Cindy De Smet
Cindy De Smet
Associate Professor @ Université Côte d'Azur
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Acceptance of game-based learning by secondary school teachers
J Bourgonjon, F De Grove, C De Smet, J Van Looy, R Soetaert, M Valcke
Computers & Education 67, 21-35, 2013
Researching instructional use and the technology acceptation of learning management systems by secondary school teachers
C De Smet, J Bourgonjon, B De Wever, T Schellens, M Valcke
Computers & Education 58 (2), 688-696, 2012
A Qualitative Study on Learning and Teaching With Learning Paths in a Learning Management System
C De Smet, M Valcke, T Schellens, B De Wever, R Vanderlinde
JSSE-Journal of Social Science Education 15 (1), 27-37, 2016
The design and implementation of learning paths in a learning management system
C De Smet, T Schellens, B De Wever, P Brandt-Pomares, M Valcke
Interactive Learning Environments 24 (6), 1076-1096, 2016
Differential impact of learning path based versus conventional instruction in science education
C De Smet, B De Wever, T Schellens, M Valcke
Computers & Education 99, 53-67, 2016
Analyse comparative d’une activité d’apprentissage de la programmation en mode branché et débranché
M Romero, B Lille, T Viéville, M Duflot-Kremer, C De Smet, D Belhassein
Educode, 2018
Assessment of co-creativity in the process of game design
M Romero, S Arnab, C De Smet, F Mohamad, JL Minoi, L Morini
Electronic Journal of e-Learning 17 (3), 199-206, 2019
Co-Creativity Assessment in the Process of Game Creation
M Romero, S Arnab, C De Smet, F Mohamad, S Abdelouma, JL Minoi, ...
European Conference on Games Based Learning, 549-XXI, 2018
ELO's in het Vlaams secundair onderwijs: nieuw of alweer achterhaald
C De Smet, T Schellens
ADVIES & EDUCATIE (DEN HAAG) 26 (5), 12-14, 2009
Using a learning management system in secondary education: Design and implementation characteristics of learning paths
C De Smet
PhD Thesis, Univesiteit Gent, 2015
Développement d'une échelle de co-créativité en contexte d'apprentissage collaboratif en pédagogie universitaire
D David, M Romero, C De Smet
Evaluer. Journal international de recherche en education et formation, 85-109, 2022
An Analysis for the Identification of Use and Development of Game Design Strategies as Problem Posing Activities for Early Childhood Learners
G Kalmpourtzis, M Romero, C De Smet, A Veglis
Interactive Mobile Communication, Technologies and Learning, 57-68, 2019
Étude de la littérature sur la créativité en sciences de l’éducation dans les pays francophones
C De Smet, MB Raileanu, M Romero
McGill Journal of Education/Revue des sciences de l'éducation de McGill 55 (3), 2020
Conception d’activités technocréatives pour le développement d’une pédagogie créative
L Heiser, M Romero, C De Smet, C Faller
Formation et profession: revue scientifique internationale en éducation 28 …, 2020
A game-based learning approach to teach mathematics to unaccompanied minors in Paris
I Bartzia, C De Smet
ICERI2019. International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation., 2019
Assessing student perceptions of professionalization measures and coherence after the 2011 French curriculum reform
C De Smet, C Schmider
Coherence in European Teacher Education: Theoretical Models, Empirical …, 2024
Proceedings of the ANR# CreaMaker workshop: co-creativity, robotics and maker education.
L Cassone, M Romero, T Vieville, C De Smet, M Ndiaye
Numérique et éducation… vous avez dit# CreaSmartEdtech?
M Ciussi, N Colombier, SC Lefèvre, I Yastrebova-Otmanine, M Romero, ...
Blog Binaire LeMonde. fr, 2018
De l’innovation éducative aux usages créatifs des TIC: présentation du Laboratoire d’Innovation et Numérique pour l’Éducation (LINE)
M Romero, M Brunel, J Santini, S Quilio, C Calistri, C De Smet
CIRTA 2017 Montreal, 2017
Researching the impact of innovative learning materials within STEM education
C De Smet, T Schellens, B De Wever, P Brandt-Pomares, M Valcke
Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA-2014), 2014
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Articles 1–20