Dr. Radha Krishna Reddy Pallavali
Dr. Radha Krishna Reddy Pallavali
Manipal Institute of Technology, MAHE
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Cited by
Analysis and detection of dos attacks in cloud computing by using qse algorithm
PRK Reddy, S Bouzefrane
2014 IEEE Intl Conf on High Performance Computing and Communications, 2014 …, 2014
Comparing the ecological footprint of intersection management protocols for human/autonomous scenarios
R Reddy, L Almeida, PM Santos, E Tovar
2020 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2020
Energy efficiency in mobile cloud computing architectures
T Le Vinh, R Pallavali, F Houacine, S Bouzefrane
2016 IEEE 4th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and …, 2016
Work-in-progress: Synchronous intersection management protocol for mixed traffic flows
R Reddy, L Almeida, E Tovar
2019 IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), 576-579, 2019
Cap: Context-aware programming for cyber physical systems
S Gaur, L Almeida, E Tovar, R Reddy
2019 24th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory …, 2019
Synchronous framework extended for complex intersections
R Reddy, L Almeida, MG Gaitán, PM Santos, E Tovar
24th Euro Working Group on Transportation Meeting, 2021
Synchronous intersection management to reduce time loss
R Reddy, L Almeida, PM Santos, S Bouzefrane, E Tovar
Transportation Research Procedia 52, 364-372, 2021
The Security Issues of Cloud Computing Over Normal and ITSector
PRK Reddy, G Sireesha
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2012
Synchronous Management of Mixed Traffic at Signalized Intersections Toward Sustainable Road Transportation
R Reddy, L Almeida, MG Gaitán, PM Santos, E Tovar
IEEE Access 11, 64928-64940, 2023
Waiting Time Analysis for a Network of Signalized Intersections
ET Radha Reddy, Luis Almeida, Pedro Santos
Procedia Computer Science 220, 503-510, 2023
Work-in-progress: Worst-case response time of intersection management protocols
R Reddy, L Almeida, M Gaitan, H Kurunathan, P Santos, E Tovar
2021 IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), 556-559, 2021
Impact of intersection management on energy-efficiency when mixing electric and combustion vehicles
R Reddy, L Almeida, MG Gaitán, PM Santos, E Tovar
23rd EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting, 2020
An intersection management protocol for mixed autonomous and legacy vehicles
R Reddy, L Almeida, E Tovar
Proceedings of the 3rd Doctoral Congress in Engineering (DCE 2019), 2019
Sustainability analysis of complex multi-lane intelligent signalized intersections
R Reddy, L Almeida, MG Gaitán, PM Santos, E Tovar
Doctoral Congress in Engineering, 2021
Advantages of synchronizing vehicles intersection access
R Reddy, L Almeida, P Santos, E Tovar
Transportation research procedia 78, 475-482, 2024
Comparing the worst-case response time of complex intersections management
R Reddy, L Almeida, H Kurunathan, M Gaitán, P Santos, E Tovar
Available at SSRN 4351250, 2023
Work-in-Progress: Exploring the Composition of Synchronous Intelligent Intersections
R Reddy, L Almeida, P Santos, E Tovar
2022 IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), 523-526, 2022
Secure data forwarding in cloud storage system by using umib proxy
PRK Reddy, S Sivaramaiah, U Sesadri
Int. J. Comput. Technol 10, 1905-1912, 2013
Synchronous Intelligent Intersections for Sustainable Urban Mobility
RKR Pallavali
SOFSEM 2015: Theory and Practice of Computer Science: 41st International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Pec Pod Sněžkou, Czech …
G Italiano, T Margaria-Steffen, J Pokornŭ, JJ Quisquater, R Wattenhofer
Springer, 2015
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Articles 1–20