Pierre-Alexandre Bliman
Pierre-Alexandre Bliman
Senior researcher at Inria, France
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Average consensus problems in networks of agents with delayed communications
PA Bliman, G Ferrari-Trecate
Automatica 44 (8), 1985-1995, 2008
Backstepping design for time-delay nonlinear systems
F Mazenc, PA Bliman
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 51 (1), 149-154, 2006
A convex approach to robust stability for linear systems with uncertain scalar parameters
PA Bliman
SIAM journal on Control and Optimization 42 (6), 2016-2042, 2004
Easy-to-use realistic dry friction models for automatic control
PA Bliman, M Sorine
Proceedings of 3rd European control conference 113, 267-272, 1995
An existence result for polynomial solutions of parameter-dependent LMIs
PA Bliman
Systems & Control Letters 51 (3-4), 165-169, 2004
Mathematical study of the Dahl's friction model
PAJ Bliman
European journal of mechanics. A. Solids 11 (6), 835-848, 1992
Friction modelling by hysteresis operators: application to Dahl, sticktion and Stribeck effects
PA Bliman
Proc. Conf. on Models of Hysteresis, Trento, 1991, 1991
A system-theoretic approach of systems with hysteresis. application to friction modelling and compensation
PA Bliman, M Sorine
Proceedings of the 2nd European control conference, 1844-1849, 1993
Stability of leaderless discrete-time multi-agent systems
D Angeli, PA Bliman
Mathematics of Control, Signals and Systems 18, 293-322, 2006
Lyapunov equation for the stability of linear delay systems of retarded and neutral type
PA Bliman
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 47 (2), 327-335, 2002
Robust LMIs with parameters in multi-simplex: Existence of solutions and applications
RCLF Oliveira, PA Bliman, PLD Peres
2008 47th IEEE conference on decision and control, 2226-2231, 2008
Existence of homogeneous polynomial solutions for parameter-dependent linear matrix inequalities with parameters in the simplex
PA Bliman, RCLF Oliveira, VF Montagner, PLD Peres
Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1486-1491, 2006
Lyapunov–Krasovskii functionals and frequency domain: delay‐independent absolute stability criteria for delay systems
PA Bliman
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control: IFAC‐Affiliated …, 2001
Convergence speed of unsteady distributed consensus: decay estimate along the settling spanning-trees
D Angeli, PA Bliman
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 48 (1), 1-32, 2009
Implementation of control strategies for sterile insect techniques
PA Bliman, D Cardona-Salgado, Y Dumont, O Vasilieva
Mathematical biosciences 314, 43-60, 2019
LMI characterization of the strong delay-independent stability of linear delay systems via quadratic Lyapunov–Krasovskii functionals
PA Bliman
Systems & Control Letters 43 (4), 263-274, 2001
Extension of Popov absolute stability criterion to non-autonomous systems with delays
PA Bliman
International Journal of Control 73 (15), 1349-1361, 2000
Extension of a result by Moreau on stability of leaderless multi-agent systems.
D Angeli, PA Bliman
Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 759-764, 2005
Parameter-dependent H2 and H∞ filter design for linear systems with arbitrarily time-varying parameters in polytopic domains
RA Borges, VF Montagner, RCLF Oliveira, PLD Peres, PA Bliman
Signal Processing 88 (7), 1801-1816, 2008
Ensuring successful introduction of Wolbachia in natural populations of Aedes aegypti by means of feedback control
PA Bliman, MS Aronna, FC Coelho, MAHB da Silva
Journal of mathematical biology 76, 1269-1300, 2018
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