Dairoku Sekiguchi
Dairoku Sekiguchi
LUCID Vision Labs, Inc.
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Cited by
Visuo-haptic display using head-mounted projector
M Inami, N Kawakami, D Sekiguchi, Y Yanagida, T Maeda, S Tachi
Proceedings IEEE Virtual Reality 2000 (Cat. No. 00CB37048), 233-240, 2000
RobotPHONE: RUI for interpersonal communication
D Sekiguchi, M Inami, S Tachi
CHI'01 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 277-278, 2001
Moving object measurement device employing a three-dimensional analysis to obtain characteristics of the moving object
S Kuwashima, M Shimizu, T Nakamura, D Sekiguchi
US Patent 5,764,786, 1998
D Sekiguchi, M Inami, N Kawakami, I Kawabuchi, S Tachi
US Patent App. 10/504,030, 2005
The SmartTool: A system for augmented reality of haptics
T Nojima, D Sekiguchi, M Inami, S Tachi
Proceedings IEEE Virtual Reality 2002, 67-72, 2002
Object-oriented displays: a new type of display systems-from immersive display to object-oriented displays
N Kawakami, M Inami, D Sekiguchi, Y Yanagida, T Maeda, S Tachi
IEEE SMC'99 Conference Proceedings. 1999 IEEE International Conference on …, 1999
Trial test of fully HTS induction/synchronous machine for next generation electric vehicle
D Sekiguchi, T Nakamura, S Misawa, H Kitano, T Matsuo, N Amemiya, ...
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 22 (3), 5200904-5200904, 2011
3D Form Display with Shape Memory Alloy.
M Nakatani, H Kajimoto, D Sekiguchi, N Kawakami, S Tachi
ICAT 8, 179-184, 2003
Control method for a 3D form display with coil-type shape memory alloy
M Nakatani, H Kajimoto, K Vlack, D Sekiguchi, N Kawakami, S Tachi
Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and …, 2005
Interactive image acquisition device
M Inami, D Sekiguchi, H Mori, S Kuwashima, F Matsuno
US Patent App. 11/989,625, 2009
The design of internet-based RobotPHONE
D Sekiguchi, M Inami, N Kawakami, S Tachi
The proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Artificial Reality …, 2004
Measuring gaze direction perception capability of humans to design human centered communication systems
T Imai, D Sekiguchi, M Inami, N Kawakami, S Tachi
Presence: Teleoperators & Virtual Environments 15 (2), 123-138, 2006
A teddy-bear-based robotic user interface
N Shimizu, N Koizumi, M Sugimoto, H Nii, D Sekiguchi, M Inami
Computers in Entertainment (CIE) 4 (3), 8-es, 2006
Smart-tool and method of generating haptic sensation thereof
T Nojima, D Sekiguchi, M Inami, K Mabuchi, S Tachi
US Patent App. 10/213,087, 2003
TelesarPHONE-Communication robot based on next generation telexistence technologies
N Kawakami
36th Int. Symp. on Robotics, 2005, 2005
Controllability of HTS induction/synchronous machine for variable speed control
H Kitano, T Nakamura, D Sekiguchi, N Amemiya, Y Itoh, M Yoshikawa, ...
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 23 (3), 5202505-5202505, 2013
「IP ロボットフォン」 の製品化
関口大陸, 稲見昌彦, 中野八千穂, 中野殖夫, 舘〓
日本ロボット学会誌 23 (2), 159-164, 2005
H Mori, D Sekiguchi, S Kuwashima, M Inami, F Matsuno
ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Emerging technologies, 15-es, 2005
Development of R-cubed manipulation language-The design of RCML 2.0 system
D Sekiguchi, W Teng, Y Yanagida, N Kawakami, S Tachi
Proc. of ICAT, 44-51, 2000
Mixed reality robotic user interface: virtual kinematics to enhance robot motion
N Shimizu, M Sugimoto, D Sekiguchi, S Hasegawa, M Inami
Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Advances in Computer …, 2008
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Articles 1–20