Ladislav Marsik
Cited by
Cited by
Kara1k: A karaoke dataset for cover song identification and singing voice analysis
Y Bayle, L Maršík, M Rusek, M Robine, P Hanna, K Slaninová, ...
2017 IEEE International symposium on multimedia (ISM), 177-184, 2017
Towards a harmonic complexity of musical pieces
L Maršık, J Pokorny, M Ilcık
Procedings of the Annual International Workshop on Databases, Texts …, 2014
Evaluation of chord and chroma features and dynamic time warping scores on cover song identification task
L Maršík, M Rusek, K Slaninová, J Martinovič, J Pokorný
Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management: 16th IFIP TC8 …, 2017
Merkel-like cell distribution in the epithelium of the human vagina. An immunohistochemical and TEM study
S Polakovičová, M Csӧbonӧyeiová, B Filová, M Borovský, L Maršík, ...
European Journal of Histochemistry: EJH 62 (1), 2018
Improving music classification using harmonic complexity
L Maršík, J Pokornyy, M Ilcík
Proceedings of the 14th conference Information Technologies-Applications and …, 2014
harmony-analyser. org-Java Library and Tools for Chordal Analysis
L Maršík
Proceedings of 2016 Joint WOCMAT-IRCAM Forum Conference, 38-43, 2016
Music harmony analysis: towards a harmonic complexity of musical pieces
L Maršík
Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2017
Student Research Abstract: Using Chord Distance Descriptors to Enhance Music Information Retrieval
L Maršík
The Symposium on Applied Computing, 963-964, 2017
A survey on music retrieval systems using microphone input
L Maršık, J Pokorný, M Ilcık
Annual International Workshop on DAtabases, TExts, Specifications and …, 2015
KaraMIR: A Project for Cover Song Identification and Singing Voice Analysis Using a Karaoke Songs Dataset
L Maršík, P Martišek, J Pokorný, M Rusek, K Slaninová, J Martinovič, ...
International Journal of Semantic Computing 12 (04), 501-522, 2018
Using chord distance descriptors to enhance music information retrieval: Student research abstract
L Maršík
Proceedings of the Symposium on Applied Computing, 963-964, 2017
Cover Song Identification using Music Harmony Features, Model and Complexity Analysis
L Maršík
Univerzita Karlova, Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta, 2019
Analysing Musical Pieces Using harmony-analyser. org Tools
L Maršık
Databases, Texts, 55, 2016
SAC: G: Using Chord Distance Descriptors to Enhance Music Information Retrieval
L Maršík
KaraMIR: Project description
L Maršík, M Rusek, O IT4Innovations
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Articles 1–15