Huu Du Nguyen
Huu Du Nguyen
School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Hanoi
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Cited by
Forecasting and Anomaly Detection approaches using LSTM and LSTM Autoencoder techniques with the applications in supply chain management
HD Nguyen, KP Tran, S Thomassey, M Hamad
International Journal of Information Management 57, 102282, 2021
Predicting Water Quality Index (WQI) by feature selection and machine learning: A case study of An Kim Hai irrigation system
BQ Lap, H Du Nguyen, PT Hang, NQ Phi, VT Hoang, PG Linh, BTT Hang
Ecological Informatics 74, 101991, 2023
Anomaly detection using long short term memory networks and its applications in supply chain management
KP Tran, H Du Nguyen, S Thomassey
IFAC-PapersOnLine 52 (13), 2408-2412, 2019
Explainable anomaly detection for industrial control system cybersecurity
NX Hoang, NV Hoang, NH Du, TT Huong, KP Tran
IFAC-PapersOnLine 55 (10), 1183-1188, 2022
On the performance of VSI Shewhart control chart for monitoring the coefficient of variation in the presence of measurement errors
HD Nguyen, QT Nguyen, KP Tran, DP Ho
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 104, 211-243, 2019
Monitoring the ratio of two normal variables using variable sampling interval exponentially weighted moving average control charts
HD Nguyen, KP Tran, C Heuchenne
Quality and Reliability Engineering International 35 (1), 439-460, 2018
Industrial Internet of Things, big data, and artificial intelligence in the smart factory: A survey and perspective
HD Nguyen, KP Tran, X Zeng, L Koehl, P Castagliola, P Bruniaux
ISSAT international conference on data science in business, finance and …, 2019
On the effect of the measurement error on Shewhart t and EWMA t control charts
HD Nguyen, KP Tran, G Celano, PE Maravelakis, P Castagliola
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 107, 4317-4332, 2020
Trans-Lighter: A light-weight federated learning-based architecture for Remaining Useful Lifetime prediction
NH Du, NH Long, KN Ha, NV Hoang, TT Huong, KP Tran
Computers in industry 148, 103888, 2023
CUSUM control charts with variable sampling interval for monitoring the ratio of two normal variables
HD Nguyen, KP Tran, HL Heuchenne
Quality and Reliability Engineering International 36 (2), 474-497, 2020
Wearable sensor data based human activity recognition using machine learning: a new approach
HD Nguyen, KP Tran, X Zeng, L Koehl, G Tartare
arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.03809, 2019
Variable sampling interval Shewhart control charts for monitoring the multivariate coefficient of variation
QT Nguyen, KP Tran, HL Heuchenne, TH Nguyen, HD Nguyen
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 35 (5), 1253-1268, 2019
On the performance of CUSUM control charts for monitoring the coefficient of variation with measurement errors
KP Tran, HD Nguyen, PH Tran, C Heuchenne
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 104, 1903-1917, 2019
The effect of measurement errors on the performance of the exponentially weighted moving average control charts for the ratio of two normally distributed variables
HD Nguyen, KP Tran, KD Tran
European Journal of Operational Research 293 (1), 203-218, 2021
Effect of the measurement errors on two one‐sided Shewhart control charts for monitoring the ratio of two normal variables
H Du Nguyen, K Phuc Tran
Quality and Reliability Engineering International 36 (5), 1731-1750, 2020
One-sided synthetic control charts for monitoring the coefficient of variation with measurement errors
KP Tran, HD Nguyen, QT Nguyen, W Chattinnawat
2018 IEEE international conference on industrial engineering and engineering …, 2018
Bayesian inference for Common cause failure rate based on causal inference with missing data
HD Nguyen, E Gouno
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 197, 106789, 2020
Dynamics of predator-prey population with modified Leslie-Gower and Holling-type II schemes
NH Du, NM Man, TT Trung
Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 32 (1), 99-111, 2007
A deep learning-based approach for bee sound identification
TH Truong, H Du Nguyen, TQA Mai, HL Nguyen, TNM Dang
Ecological Informatics 78, 102274, 2023
Monitoring coefficient of variation using one-sided run rules control charts in the presence of measurement errors
PH Tran, C Heuchenne, HD Nguyen, H Marie
Journal of Applied Statistics 48 (12), 2178-2204, 2021
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Articles 1–20