Dandan Hu
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Cited by
Nanometer‐scale characterization of microscopic pores in shale kerogen by image analysis and pore‐scale modeling
C Chen, D Hu, D Westacott, D Loveless
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 14 (10), 4066-4075, 2013
Detecting hidden spatial and spatio-temporal structures in glasses and complex physical systems by multiresolution network clustering
P Ronhovde, S Chakrabarty, D Hu, M Sahu, KK Sahu, KF Kelton, ...
The European Physical Journal E 34, 1-24, 2011
Acoustic emission characterization of microcracking in laboratory-scale hydraulic fracturing tests
J Hampton, M Gutierrez, L Matzar, D Hu, L Frash
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 10 (5), 805-817, 2018
Detection of hidden structures for arbitrary scales in complex physical systems
P Ronhovde, S Chakrabarty, D Hu, M Sahu, KK Sahu, KF Kelton, ...
Scientific reports 2 (1), 329, 2012
Phase transitions in random Potts systems and the community detection problem: spin-glass type and dynamic perspectives
D Hu, P Ronhovde, Z Nussinov
Philosophical Magazine 92 (4), 406-445, 2012
Replica inference approach to unsupervised multiscale image segmentation
D Hu, P Ronhovde, Z Nussinov
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 85 (1 …, 2012
Particulate-stabilized emulsions for use in subterranean formation operations
Y Yang, JD Weaver, D Hu, KE Linping
US Patent App. 15/565,130, 2018
Methods for increasing the surface area of fractures or to increase the depth of penetration fractures in low permeability oil and gas reservoirs containing shale to increase …
L Fontenelle, EA Reyes, EA Schnoor, D Hu
US Patent 10,053,621, 2018
Temporal evolution of the geometrical and transport properties of a fracture/proppant system under increasing effective stress
C Chen, V Martysevich, P O’Connell, D Hu, L Matzar
SPE Journal 20 (03), 527-535, 2015
Cumulative volumetric deformation of a hydraulic fracture using acoustic emission and micro-CT imaging
JC Hampton, D Hu, L Matzar, M Gutierrez
ARMA US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, ARMA-2014-7041, 2014
Effect of natural fractures on eagle ford shale mechanical properties
D Hu, L Matzar, V Martysevich
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition?, SPE-170651-MS, 2014
Numerical computation of elastic properties for porous rocks based on CT-scanned images using direct mapping method
Y Han, D Hu, L Matzar
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 122, 346-353, 2014
Automatic segmentation of fluorescence lifetime microscopy images of cells using multiresolution community detection—a first study
D Hu, P Sarder, P Ronhovde, S Orthaus, S Achilefu, Z Nussinov
Journal of microscopy 253 (1), 54-64, 2014
Forward and backward diodelike rectifying properties of the heterojunctions composed of La1− xSrxCoO3− δ and 0.7 wt% Nb-doped SrTiO3
G Li, TF Zhou, DD Hu, YP Yao, Y Hou, XG Li
Applied Physics Letters 91 (16), 2007
Inference of hidden structures in complex physical systems by multi-scale clustering
Z Nussinov, P Ronhovde, D Hu, S Chakrabarty, B Sun, NA Mauro, ...
Information Science for Materials Discovery and Design, 115-138, 2016
Global disorder transition in the community structure of large-q Potts systems
P Ronhovde, D Hu, Z Nussinov
Europhysics Letters 99 (3), 38006, 2012
Stability-to-instability transition in the structure of large-scale networks
D Hu, P Ronhovde, Z Nussinov
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 86 (6 …, 2012
Information science for materials discovery and design
Z Nussinov, P Ronhovde, D Hu, S Chakrabarty, B Sun, NA Mauro, ...
Springer, 2016
Correlating recovery efficiency to pore throat characteristics using digital rock analysis
D Hu, D Wyatt, C Chen, V Martysevich
SPE Digital Energy Conference and Exhibition, D021S013R003, 2015
Understanding true unconventional reservoir properties using nanoscale technology
D Hu, V Yang, G Li, C Chen, L Matzar
SPE Kuwait Oil and Gas Show and Conference, SPE-167326-MS, 2013
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Articles 1–20