Patrick Trimby
Patrick Trimby
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The application of electron backscatter diffraction and orientation contrast imaging in the SEM to textural problems in rocks
DJ Prior, AP Boyle, F Brenker, MC Cheadle, A Day, G Lopez, L Peruzzi, ...
American Mineralogist 84 (11-12), 1741-1759, 1999
A long in situ section of the lower ocean crust: results of ODP Leg 176 drilling at the Southwest Indian Ridge
HJB Dick, JH Natland, JC Alt, W Bach, D Bideau, JS Gee, S Haggas, ...
Earth and planetary science letters 179 (1), 31-51, 2000
Orientation mapping of nanostructured materials using transmission Kikuchi diffraction in the scanning electron microscope
PW Trimby
Ultramicroscopy 120, 16-24, 2012
The petrological significance of misorientations between grains
J Wheeler, D Prior, Z Jiang, R Spiess, P Trimby
Contributions to mineralogy and petrology 141, 109-124, 2001
Dynamic precipitation, segregation and strengthening of an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy (AA7075) processed by high-pressure torsion
Y Zhang, S Jin, PW Trimby, X Liao, MY Murashkin, RZ Valiev, J Liu, ...
Acta Materialia 162, 19-32, 2019
Orientation contrast imaging of microstructures in rocks using forescatter detectors in the scanning electron microscope
DJ Prior, PW Trimby, UD Weber, DJ Dingley
Mineralogical Magazine 60 (403), 859-869, 1996
Transmission Kikuchi diffraction in a scanning electron microscope: A review
GC Sneddon, PW Trimby, JM Cairney
Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports 110, 1-12, 2016
Deformation-induced trace element redistribution in zircon revealed using atom probe tomography
S Piazolo, A La Fontaine, P Trimby, S Harley, L Yang, R Armstrong, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 10490, 2016
Characterizing deformed ultrafine-grained and nanocrystalline materials using transmission Kikuchi diffraction in a scanning electron microscope
PW Trimby, Y Cao, Z Chen, S Han, KJ Hemker, J Lian, X Liao, ...
Acta materialia 62, 69-80, 2014
Strength, grain refinement and solute nanostructures of an Al–Mg–Si alloy (AA6060) processed by high-pressure torsion
G Sha, K Tugcu, XZ Liao, PW Trimby, MY Murashkin, RZ Valiev, ...
Acta Materialia 63, 169-179, 2014
Quantitative characterization of plastic deformation of zircon and geological implications
SM Reddy, NE Timms, W Pantleon, P Trimby
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 153 (6), 625-645, 2007
Crystal-plastic deformation of zircon: A defect in the assumption of chemical robustness
SM Reddy, NE Timms, P Trimby, PD Kinny, C Buchan, K Blake
Geology 34 (4), 257-260, 2006
Grain boundary hierarchy development in a quartz mylonite
PW Trimby, DJ Prior, J Wheeler
Journal of Structural Geology 20 (7), 917-935, 1998
Shear banding in commercial pure titanium deformed by dynamic compression
JL Sun, PW Trimby, FK Yan, XZ Liao, NR Tao, JT Wang
Acta materialia 79, 47-58, 2014
The weighted Burgers vector: a new quantity for constraining dislocation densities and types using electron backscatter diffraction on 2D sections through crystalline materials
J Wheeler, E Mariani, S Piazolo, DJ Prior, P Trimby, MR Drury
Journal of microscopy 233 (3), 482-494, 2009
Effect of confining pressure on dilatation, recrystallization, and flow of rock salt at 150 C
CJ Peach, CJ Spiers, PW Trimby
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 106 (B7), 13315-13328, 2001
Electron backscatter diffraction and electron channeling contrast imaging of tilt and dislocations in nitride thin films
C Trager-Cowan, F Sweeney, PW Trimby, AP Day, A Gholinia, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (8), 085301, 2007
Grain size effect on deformation twinning propensity in ultrafine-grained hexagonal close-packed titanium
JL Sun, PW Trimby, FK Yan, XZ Liao, NR Tao, JT Wang
Scripta Materialia 69 (5), 428-431, 2013
An automated method of quantifying ferrite microstructures using electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) data
SL Shrestha, AJ Breen, P Trimby, G Proust, SP Ringer, JM Cairney
Ultramicroscopy 137, 40-47, 2014
Description of the first lithostrotian titanosaur embryo in ovo with Neutron characterization and implications for lithostrotian Aptian migration and dispersion
G Grellet-Tinner, CM Sim, DH Kim, P Trimby, A Higa, SL An, HS Oh, ...
Gondwana Research 20 (2-3), 621-629, 2011
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