Marina de la Torre Mayado
Marina de la Torre Mayado
Associate Professor of Theoretical Physics, Universidad de Salamanca
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Adiabatic motion of two-component BPS kinks
AA Izquierdo, MAG Leon, JM Guilarte, M de la Torre Mayado
Physical Review D 66 (10), 105022, 2002
Quantum oscillations of self-dual Abrikosov-Nielsen-Olesen vortices
AA Izquierdo, WG Fuertes, M Mayado, JM Guilarte
Phys.Rev.D 71, 125010, 2005
Quantum corrections to the mass of self-dual vortices
AA Izquierdo, WG Fuertes, MT Mayado, JM Guilarte
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 70 (6), 061702, 2004
Supersymmetry versus integrability in two-dimensional classical mechanics
A Alonso-Izquierdo, MAG León, JM Guilarte, M de la Torre Mayado
Annals of Physics 308 (2), 664-691, 2003
Quantum fluctuations around low-dimensional topological defects
JM Guilarte, A Alonso-Izquierdo, WG Fuertes, M Mayado, MJ Senosiain
arXiv preprint arXiv:0909.2107, 2009
One-loop corrections to the mass of self-dual semi-local planar topological solitons
AA Izquierdo, WG Fuertes, M de la Torre Mayado, JM Guilarte
Nuclear Physics B 797 (3), 431-463, 2008
On two-dimensional superpotentials: from classical Hamilton–Jacobi theory to 2D supersymmetric quantum mechanics
AA Izquierdo, MAG Leon, M de la Torre Mayado, JM Guilarte
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 37 (43), 10323, 2004
Kink scattering in a generalized Wess-Zumino model
A Alonso-Izquierdo, MAG León, JM Vaquero, M de la Torre Mayado
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 103, 106011, 2021
Two-dimensional Supersymmetric quantum mechanics: two fixed centers of force
G Leon, J Mateos Guilarte, M de la Torre Mayado
SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 3, 124, 2007
Kink manifolds in a three-component scalar field theory
AA Izquierdo, JCB Sánchez, MAG Leon, M De la Torre Mayado
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 37 (11), 3607, 2004
Jacobi metric and Morse theory of dynamical systems
AA Izquierdo, MA Leon, JM Guilarte, M Mayado
arXiv preprint math-ph/0212017, 2002
Orbits in the problem of two fixed centers on the sphere
MA Gonzalez Leon, JM Guilarte, M De la Torre Mayado
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 22, 520-542, 2017
Changing shapes: adiabatic dynamics of composite solitary waves
AA Izquierdo, MAG Leon, M de la Torre Mayado, JM Guilarte
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 200 (3-4), 220-241, 2005
Elliptic theta functions and the fractional quantum Hall effect
JM Guilarte, JMM Porras, M de La Torre Mayado
Journal of geometry and physics 27 (3-4), 297-332, 1998
Quantum magnetic flux lines, BPS vortex zero modes, and one-loop string tension shifts
A Alonso-Izquierdo, J Mateos Guilarte, M De la Torre Mayado
Physical Review D 94 (4), 045008, 2016
On domain walls in a Ginzburg-Landau non-linear S2-sigma model
A Alonso Izquierdo, G Leon, J Mateos Guilarte, M de la Torre Mayado
Journal of High Energy Physics 2010 (8), 1-29, 2010
Lectures on the mass of topological solitons
AA Izquierdo, WG Fuertes, MA Leon, M Mayado, JM Guilarte, ...
arXiv preprint hep-th/0611180, 2006
One-loop mass shift formula for kinks and self-dual vortices
AA Izquierdo, WG Fuertes, M de la Torre Mayado, JM Guilarte
Journal of Physics A: mathematical and general 39 (21), 6463, 2006
A generalized Holling type II model for the interaction between dextral-sinistral snails and Pareas snakes
AA Izquierdo, MAG León, M de la Torre Mayado
Applied Mathematical Modelling 73, 459-472, 2019
On the supersymmetric spectra of two planar integrable quantum systems
MAG Leon, M de la Torre Mayado, JM Guilarte, MJ Senosiain
Contemporary Mathematics 563, 73, 2012
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