David Servat
David Servat
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When agents emerge from agents: Introducing multi-scale viewpoints in multi-agent simulations
D Servat, E Perrier, JP Treuil, A Drogoul
Multi-Agent Systems and Agent-Based Simulation: First International Workshop …, 1998
11 the east-adl architecture description language for automotive embedded software
P Cuenot, P Frey, R Johansson, H Lönn, Y Papadopoulos, MO Reiser, ...
Model-Based Engineering of Embedded Real-Time Systems: International …, 2010
Managing complexity of automotive electronics using the East-ADL
P Cuenot, DJ Chen, S Gerard, H Lonn, MO Reiser, D Servat, CJ Sjostedt, ...
12th IEEE International Conference on Engineering Complex Computer Systems …, 2007
Automatic optimisation of system architectures using EAST-ADL
M Walker, MO Reiser, S Tucci-Piergiovanni, Y Papadopoulos, H Lönn, ...
Journal of Systems and Software 86 (10), 2467-2487, 2013
Mapping Simulink to UML in the design of embedded systems: Investigating scenarios and transformations
CJ Sjöstedt, J Shi, M Törngren, D Servat, D Chen, V Ahlsten, H Lönn
OMER4 Post-proceedings, 137-160, 2008
The CVM Framework-A Prototype Tool for Compositional Variability Management.
A Abele, Y Papadopoulos, D Servat, M Törngren, M Weber
VaMoS 10 (1), 101-105, 2010
Automatic allocation of safety integrity levels
Y Papadopoulos, M Walker, MO Reiser, M Weber, D Chen, M Törngren, ...
Proceedings of the 1st workshop on critical automotive applications …, 2010
Developing automotive products using the east-adl2, an autosar compliant architecture description language
P Cuenot, P Frey, R Johansson, H Lönn, MO Reiser, D Servat, ...
4th International Congress ERTS 2008, 2008
Combining amorphous computing and reactive agent-based systems: a paradigm for pervasive intelligence?
D Servat, A Drogoul
Proceedings of the first international joint conference on Autonomous agents …, 2002
Modélisation de dynamiques de flux par agents. Application aux processus de ruissellement, infiltration et érosion
D Servat
Paris 6, 2000
Towards improving dependability of automotive systems by using the east-adl architecture description language
P Cuenot, DJ Chen, S Gérard, H Lönn, MO Reiser, D Servat, RT Kolagari, ...
Architecting dependable systems IV, 39-65, 2007
Modélisation de dynamiques de flux par agents
D Servat
Application aux processus de ruisselement, infiltration, et érosion. These …, 2000
Towards virtual experiment laboratories: How multi-agent simulations can cope with multiple scales of analysis and viewpoints
D Servat, E Perrier, JP Treuil, A Drogoul
Virtual Worlds: First International Conference, VW’98 Paris, France, July 1 …, 1998
Combined usage of UML and Simulink in the design of embedded systems: Investigating Scenarios and Structural and Behavioural Mapping
J Shi, M Törngren, D Servat, CJ Sjöstedt, DJ Chen, H Lönn
4th workshop of ObjectorientedModeling of Embedded Real-time Systems, 2007
A Three-Tier Approach for Composition of Real-Time Embedded Software Stacks
F Loiret, L Seinturier, L Duchien, D Servat
International Symposium on Component-Based Software Engineering, 37-54, 2010
Leveraging analysis-aided design decision knowledge in UML-based development of embedded systems
H Espinoza, D Servat, S Gérard
Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on Sharing and reusing …, 2008
Variability Management on Behavioral Models.
P Tessier, D Servat, S Gérard
VaMoS, 121-130, 2008
Model integration in the development of embedded control systems-a characterization of current research efforts
DJ Chen, M Torngren, J Shi, S Gerard, H Lonn, D Servat, M Stromberg, ...
2006 IEEE Conference on Computer Aided Control System Design, 2006 IEEE …, 2006
Engineering support for automotive embedded systems beyond Autosar
P Cuenot, P Frey, R Johansson, H Lönn, D Servat, RT Kolagari, ...
ATZautotechnology 9 (2), 46-50, 2009
Developing Dependable Automotive Embedded Systems using the EAST-ADL; representing continuous time systems in SysML.
CJ Sjöstedt, DJ Chen, P Cuenot, P Frey, R Johansson, H Lönn, D Servat, ...
EOOLT, 25-36, 2007
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