A First Course in Modular Forms F Diamond
Graduate Texts in Mathematics/Springer-Verlag 436, 2005
1699 2005 On the modularity of elliptic curves over 𝐐: wild 3-adic exercises C Breuil, B Conrad, F Diamond, R Taylor
Journal of the American Mathematical Society 14 (4), 843-939, 2001
1287 2001 Fermat’s last theorem H Darmon, F Diamond, R Taylor
Current developments in mathematics 1995 (1), 1-154, 1995
421 1995 Modular forms and modular curves F Diamond
Seminar on Fermat's last theorem, 39-133, 1995
334 1995 Modularity of certain potentially Barsotti-Tate Galois representations B Conrad, F Diamond, R Taylor
Journal of the American Mathematical Society 12 (2), 521-567, 1999
256 1999 On deformation rings and Hecke rings F Diamond
Annals of Mathematics 144 (1), 137-166, 1996
253 1996 On Serre's conjecture for mod Galois representations over totally real fields K Buzzard, F Diamond, F Jarvis
227 2010 Non-optimal levels of modl modular representations F Diamond, R Taylor
Inventiones mathematicae 115, 435-462, 1994
202 1994 The Taylor-Wiles construction and multiplicity one F Diamond
Inventiones mathematicae 128, 379-391, 1997
173 1997 Singular integrals and rectifiable sets in R [n]: au-delà des graphes lipschitziens G David, S Semmes
(No Title), 1991
148 * 1991 The Tamagawa number conjecture of adjoint motives of modular forms F Diamond, M Flach, L Guo
Annales scientifiques de l'Ecole normale supérieure 37 (5), 663-727, 2004
139 2004 The refined conjecture of Serre F Diamond
Elliptic Curves, Modular Forms & Fermat's Last Theorem, 22-37, 1995
106 1995 Lifting modular representations F Diamond, R Taylor
100 1994 Formes modulaires de Hilbert modulo p et valeurs d'extensions galoisiennes C Breuil, F Diamond
arXiv preprint arXiv:1208.5367, 2012
61 2012 A correspondence between representations of local Galois groups and Lie-type groups F Diamond
London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 320, 187, 2007
56 2007 An extension of Wiles’ results F Diamond
Modular forms and Fermat’s last theorem, 475-498, 1997
53 1997 Current Developments in mathematics H Darmon, F Diamond, R Taylor, M Lyubich, I Madsen, CT McMullen, ...
Cambridge, MA, 1-154, 1995
51 1995 Fermat’s last theorem. Elliptic curves, modular forms and Fermat’s last theorem (Hong Kong, 1993), 2–140 H Darmon, F Diamond, R Taylor
Int. Press, Cambridge, MA, 1997
48 1997 Congruence primes for cusp forms of weight k> 2 F Diamond
Astérisque, 205-213, 1991
48 1991 Modularity of a family of elliptic curves F Diamond, K Kramer
Mathematical Research Letters 2 (3), 299-304, 1995
44 1995