hania djani
hania djani
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Understanding ferroelectricity in layered perovskites: new ideas and insights from theory and experiments
NA Benedek, JM Rondinelli, H Djani, P Ghosez, P Lightfoot
Dalton Transactions 44 (23), 10543-10558, 2015
Rationalizing and engineering Rashba spin-splitting in ferroelectric oxides
H Djani, AC Garcia-Castro, WY Tong, P Barone, E Bousquet, S Picozzi, ...
NPJ Quantum Materials 4 (1), 51, 2019
First-principles study of the ferroelectric Aurivillius phase BiWO
H Djani, E Bousquet, A Kellou, P Ghosez
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (5), 054107, 2012
First-Principles Characterization of the P21ab Ferroelectric Phase of Aurivillius Bi2WO6
H Djani, P Hermet, P Ghosez
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (25), 13514-13524, 2014
Comparison of lanthanum substituted bismuth titanate (BLT) thin films deposited by sputtering and pulsed laser deposition
MP Besland, HDA Aissa, PRJ Barroy, S Lafane, PY Tessier, B Angleraud, ...
Thin Solid Films 495 (1-2), 86-91, 2006
Microscopic mechanisms behind hyperferroelectricity
M Khedidji, D Amoroso, H Djani
Physical Review B 103 (1), 014116, 2021
: A potentially antiferroelectric Aurivillius phase
H Djani, EE McCabe, W Zhang, PS Halasyamani, A Feteira, J Bieder, ...
Physical Review B 101 (13), 134113, 2020
Rationalizing and engineering Rashba spin-splitting in ferroelectric oxides. npj Quantum Mater. 4
H Djani, AC Garcia-Castro, W Tong, P Barone, E Bousquet, S Picozzi, ...
DOI, 2019
Pressure-driven ferroelectric phase transition for the Pnma-CsPbBr3: mechanical and dynamical stability study
RB Sadok, A Muñoz, P Rodriguez-Hernandez, H Djani, D Hammoutène
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 314, 123402, 2022
Multianion induced out-of-plane proper polarization in oxyfluoride Aurivillius Bi2TiO4F2
S Benomar, E Bousquet, H Djani
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 167, 110720, 2022
Bi2CoO2F4─A Polar, Ferrimagnetic Aurivillius Oxide-Fluoride
EAS Scott, E Mitoudi Vagourdi, M Johnsson, V Cascos, F John, D Pickup, ...
Chemistry of Materials 34 (21), 9775-9785, 2022
Modélisation ab initio des oxydes ferroélectriques à phase aurivillius
H Djani
First‐Principles Investigations of the Structural Phases of Low‐Spin State of BiCoO3
S Boutiche, X He, H Djani, E Bousquet
physica status solidi (b) 261 (8), 2400131, 2024
Engineering large and reversible Rashba spin-splitting in layered W-based perovskite-type oxides
H Djani, AC Garcia Castro, E Bousquet, S Picozzi, P Ghosez
Psi-K CECAM research conference on Ab-initio spinorbitronics, 2017
First-Principles Investigation of Phonons Instabilities in Oxyhalide Aurivilliusbi2tio4x2 Phase (X= F, Cl, Br, and I)
H Djani
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Articles 1–15