Paulo Sollero
Paulo Sollero
Professor of Solid Mechanics and Design, Universidade Estadual de Campinas
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Fracture mechanics analysis of anisotropic plates by the boundary element method
P Sollero, MH Aliabadi
International Journal of Fracture 64, 269-284, 1993
The boundary element method applied to time dependent problems in anisotropic materials
EL Albuquerque, P Sollero, MH Aliabadi
International Journal of Solids and Structures 39 (5), 1405-1422, 2002
Failure criteria for adhesively bonded joints
RQ Rodríguez, WP De Paiva, P Sollero, MRB Rodrigues, ...
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 37, 26-36, 2012
Anisotropic analysis of cracks in composite laminates using the dual boundary element method
P Sollero, MH Aliabadi
Composite structures 31 (3), 229-233, 1995
Dual boundary element method for anisotropic dynamic fracture mechanics
EL Albuquerque, P Sollero, MH Aliabadi
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 59 (9), 1187-1205, 2004
Dual reciprocity boundary element method in Laplace domain applied to anisotropic dynamic crack problems
EL Albuquerque, P Sollero, P Fedelinski
Computers & structures 81 (17), 1703-1713, 2003
Boundary element analysis of anisotropic Kirchhoff plates
EL Albuquerque, P Sollero, WS Venturini, MH Aliabadi
International Journal of Solids and Structures 43 (14-15), 4029-4046, 2006
Crack growth analysis in homogeneous orthotropic laminates
MH Aliabadi, P Sollero
Composites science and technology 58 (10), 1697-1703, 1998
The radial integration method applied to dynamic problems of anisotropic plates
EL Albuquerque, P Sollero, W Portilho de Paiva
Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 23 (9), 805-818, 2007
Free vibration analysis of anisotropic material structures using the boundary element method
EL Albuquerque, P Sollero, P Fedelinski
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 27 (10), 977-985, 2003
Anisotropic analysis of cracks emanating from circular holes in composite laminates using the boundary element method
P Sollero, MH Aliabadi, DP Rooke
Engineering fracture mechanics 49 (2), 213-224, 1994
Computation of moments and stresses in laminated composite plates by the boundary element method
A Dos Reis, ÉL Albuquerque, FL Torsani, L Palermo Jr, P Sollero
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 35 (1), 105-113, 2011
2D analysis of intergranular dynamic crack propagation in polycrystalline materials a multiscale cohesive zone model and dual reciprocity boundary elements
AF Galvis, P Sollero
Computers & structures 164, 1-14, 2016
Fracture mechanics analysis of anisotropic laminates by the boundary element method.
P Sollero
University of Portsmouth, 1994
Harmonic analysis of shear deformable orthotropic cracked plates using the Boundary Element Method
J Useche, EL Albuquerque, P Sollero
Engineering analysis with boundary elements 36 (11), 1528-1535, 2012
Modal analysis of anisotropic plates using the boundary element method
WP Paiva, P Sollero, EL Albuquerque
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 35 (12), 1248-1255, 2011
Stress analysis and failure criteria of adhesive bonded single lap joints
RQ Rodríguez, P Sollero, MB Rodrigues, ÉL de Albuquerque
21st international congress of mechanical engineering, 2011
Patient-specific bone multiscale modelling, fracture simulation and risk analysis—a survey
ACS Alcântara, I Assis, D Prada, K Mehle, S Schwan, L Costa-Paiva, ...
Materials 13 (1), 106, 2019
Análise de problemas dinâmicos em materiais anisotrópicos usando o método dos elementos de contorno
EL de Albuquerque
[sn], 2001
Analysis of three-dimensional hexagonal and cubic polycrystals using the boundary element method
AF Galvis, RQ Rodríguez, P Sollero
Mechanics of Materials 117, 58-72, 2018
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