Cédric Lopez
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Hospital preparedness and response in CBRN emergencies: TIER assessment tool
C Olivieri, PL Ingrassia, F Della Corte, L Carenzo, JM Sapori, L Gabilly, ...
European Journal of Emergency Medicine 24 (5), 366-370, 2017
TIER competency-based training course for the first receivers of CBRN casualties: a European perspective
A Djalali, F Della Corte, F Segond, MH Metzger, L Gabilly, F Grieger, ...
European journal of emergency medicine 24 (5), 371-376, 2017
88milSMS. A corpus of authentic text messages in French
R Panckhurst, C Détrie, C Lopez, C Moïse, M Roche, B Verine
Banque de corpus CoMeRe. Chanier T.(éd)-Ortolang: Nancy, 2016
Sud4science, de l'acquisition d'un grand corpus de SMS en français à l'analyse de l'écriture SMS
R Panckhurst, C Détrie, C Lopez, C Moïse, M Roche, B Verine
Episteme 9 (9), 107-138, 2013
Learning to search for recognizing named entities in twitter
I Partalas, C Lopez, N Derbas, R Kalitvianski
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (WNUT), 171-177, 2016
Approaches of anonymisation of an SMS corpus
N Patel, P Accorsi, D Inkpen, C Lopez, M Roche
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing: 14th …, 2013
How can catchy titles be generated without loss of informativeness?
C Lopez, V Prince, M Roche
Expert systems with applications 41 (4), 1051-1062, 2014
Cap 2017 challenge: Twitter named entity recognition
C Lopez, I Partalas, G Balikas, N Derbas, A Martin, C Reutenauer, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.07568, 2017
Automatic titling of articles using position and statistical information
C Lopez, V Prince, M Roche
Proceedings of the International Conference Recent Advances in Natural …, 2011
Automatic titling of electronic documents with noun phrase extraction
C Lopez, V Prince, M Roche
2010 International Conference of Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition, 168-171, 2010
Evolving interactional practices of emoji in text messages
R Panckhurst, F Frontini
Visualizing Digital Discourse, Berlin, De Gruyter, 81-103, 2020
Adapting semantic spreading activation to entity linking in text
F Nooralahzadeh, C Lopez, E Cabrio, F Gandon, F Segond
Natural Language Processing and Information Systems: 21st International …, 2016
Generating a Resource for Products and Brandnames Recognition. Application to the Cosmetic Domain.
C Lopez, F Segond, O Hondermarck, P Curtoni, L Dini
LREC, 2559-2564, 2014
Towards electronic sms dictionary construction: An alignment-based approach
C Lopez, R Bestandji, M Roche, R Panckhurst
ELRA, 2014
Seek&Hide: Anonymising a French SMS corpus using natural language processing techniques
P Accorsi, N Patel, C Lopez, R Panckhurst, M Roche
Lingvisticæ Investigationes 35 (2), 163-180, 2012
La néographie dans un grand corpus de SMS français: 88milSMS
M Roche, B Verine, C Lopez, R Panckhurst
La neologiá en las lenguas románicas-Recursos, estrategias y nuevas …, 2016
ProVoc: une ontologie pour décrire des produits sur le Web
C Lopez, F Nooralahzadeh, E Cabrio, F Segond, F Gandon
IC2016: 27es Journées francophones d'Ingénierie des Connaissances, 2016
Classification des items inconnus de 88milSMS: aide à l'identification automatique de la créativité scripturale
C Lopez, M Roche, R Panckhurst
Travaux neuchâtelois de linguistique, 71-86, 2015
Anonymising a French SMS corpus using natural language processing techniques
P Accorsi, N Patel, C Lopez, R Panckhurst, M Roche
SMS Communication: A linguistic approach 61, 11, 2014
MR4AP: Meaning representation for application purposes
B Giordano, C Lopez
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Designing Meaning …, 2023
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