Saumitra Jha
Saumitra Jha
Associate Professor of Political Economy, Stanford University
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Trade, Institutions and Ethnic Tolerance: Evidence from South Asia
S Jha
American Political Science Review, Vol 107, No 4, 2013, Available at SSRN …, 2013
Governance in the Gullies: Democratic Responsiveness and Leadership in Delhi's Slums
S Jha, V Rao, M Woolcock
World Development 35 (2), 230-246, 2007
Does Combat Experience Foster Organizational Skill? Evidence from Ethnic Cleansing during the Partition of South Asia
S Jha, S Wilkinson
American Political Science Review 106 (4), 2012
Financial Asset Holdings and Political Attitudes: Evidence from Revolutionary England
S Jha
Quarterly Journal of Economics, available at SSRN 934943, 2015
The Administrative Foundations of Self-Enforcing Constitutions
YG de Lara, A Greif, S Jha
The American Economic Review 98 (2), 105-109, 2008
Valuing Peace: The Effects of Financial Market Exposure on Votes and Political Attitudes
S Jha, M Shayo
Econometrica, 2019
Who has voice in a deliberative democracy? Evidence from transcripts of village parliaments in south India
R Ban, S Jha, V Rao
Journal of Development Economics 99 (2), 2012
Heroes and Villains: The Effects of Heroism on Autocratic Values and Nazi Collaboration in France
J Cagé, A Dagorret, PA Grosjean, S Jha
American Economic Review 113 (6), 2023
‘Unfinished business’: Historic complementarities, political competition and ethnic violence in Gujarat
S Jha
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 104, 18-36, 2014
Trading for Peace, revised from “A theory of ethnic tolerance”
S Jha
Economic Policy, 2018
Conquered but not Vanquished: Complementarities and Indigenous Entrepreneurs in the Shadow of Violence
A Diaz-Cayeros, S Jha
Stanford GSB working paper 4098, 2022
Maintaining Peace across Ethnic Lines: New Lessons from the Past
S Jha
Economics of Peace and Security Journal 2 (2), 89-93, 2007
A Theory of Community Formation and Social Hierarchy
S Athey, E Calvano, S Jha
Stanford GSB working paper 3467, 2021
Gandhi's Gift: Lessons for Peaceful Reform from India's Struggle for Democracy
RR Bhavnani, S Jha
Economics of Peace and Security Journal, 2014
Sharing the Future: Financial Innovation and Innovators in Solving the Political Economy Challenges of Development
S Jha
Institutions and Comparative Economic Development, 131-151, 2012
Forging a Non-Violent Mass Movement: Economic Shocks and Organizational Innovations in India’s Struggle for Democracy
R Bhavnani, S Jha
Stanford GSB working paper 4097, 2020
Trading Stocks Builds Financial Confidence and Compresses the Gender Gap
S Jha, M Shayo
Economic Journal, 2025
Pandemic Spikes and Broken Spears: Indigenous Resilience after the Conquest of Mexico
A Diaz-Cayeros, J Espinosa-Balbuena, S Jha
Journal of Historical Political Economy 2 (1), 2022
Analyzing Political Risks in Developing Countries: A Practical Framework for Project Managers
S Jha
Business and Politics, 2013
Markets under Siege: How Political Beliefs Move Financial Markets
S Jha, P Koudijs, M Salgado
Stanford University Graduate School of Business Research Paper, 2024
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