Guillaume Durand
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Challenges to research in MOOCs
H Fournier, R Kop, G Durand
MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching 10 (1), 2014
Graph theory based model for learning path recommendation
G Durand, N Belacel, F LaPlante
Information Sciences 251 (December 2013), 10-21, 2013
A Critical Perspective on Learning Analytics and Educational Data Mining
R Kop, H Fournier, G Durand
Handbook of Learning Analytics – First edition, 81-100, 2017
A Learning Design Recommendation System Based on Markov Decision Processes
G Durand, F Laplante, R Kop
ACM SIG KDD 2011 Workshop: Knowledge Discovery in Educational Data, 2011
Toward Simple Learning Design 2.0-Simple interoperability for learning activities
G Durand, S Downes
Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Computer Science …, 2009
HyDEn: a Hybrid Stegano-cryptographic Approach for Data Encryption Using Randomized Error-correcting DNA Codes
D Tulpan, C Regoui, G Durand, L Belliveau
A Binary Integer Programming Model for Global Optimization of Learning Path Discovery.
FLP Nabil Belacel, Guillaume Durand
EDM (Workshops) 2014, 2014
La scénarisation de l'évaluation des activités pédagogiques utilisant les Environnements Informatiques d'Apprentissage Humain
G Durand
Université de Savoie, 2006
Evaluation of expert-based Q-matrices predictive quality in matrix factorization models
G Durand, N Belacel, C Goutte
Design for Teaching and Learning in a Networked World: 10th European …, 2015
Simple learning design 2.0
G Durand, L Belliveau, B Craig
2010 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies …, 2010
Review, computation and application of the Additive Factor Model (AFM)
G Durand, C Goutte, N Belacel, Y Bouslimani, S Léger …, 2017
Vers une scénarisation de l’évaluation en EIAH
G Durand, C Martel
Ières Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs sur les Environnements Informatiques Pour …, 2006
On the learning curve attrition bias in additive factor modeling
C Goutte, G Durand, S Léger
Artificial Intelligence in Education: 19th International Conference, AIED …, 2018
Educational Data Mining Approach For Engineering Graduate Attributes Analysis
Y Bouslimani, G Durand, N Belacel
Canadian Engineering Education Association's Annual Conference 2016, 2016
To scenarize the assessment of an educational activity
G Durand, C Martel
EdMedia+ Innovate Learning, 845-852, 2006
A diagnostic tool for competency-based program engineering
G Durand, C Goutte, N Belacel, Y Bouslimani, S Léger
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Learning Analytics and …, 2018
Splitting-Merging Clustering Algorithm for Collaborative Filtering Recommendation System
N Belacel, G Durand, S Leger, C Bouchard
10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, 16-18 …, 2018
A Probabilistic Model for Knowledge Component Naming.
C Goutte, S Léger, G Durand
EDM, 608-609, 2015
Confident Learning Curves in Additive Factors Modeling
C Goutte, G Durand
Proceedings of the 13th Intl. Conf. on Educational Data Mining, 424-430, 2020
Scalable Collaborative Filtering Based on Splitting-Merging Clustering Algorithm
N Belacel, G Durand, S Leger, C Bouchard
International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, 290-311, 2018
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