Saad Ahmad Khan
Saad Ahmad Khan
Principal Data Platform Engineer, Blue River Technology
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Cited by
Smartphone-based indoor localization techniques: State-of-the-art and classification
NM Tiglao, M Alipio, RD Cruz, F Bokhari, S Rauf, SA Khan
Measurement 179, 109349, 2021
Greedy path planning for maximizing value of information in underwater sensor networks
FA Khan, SA Khan, D Turgut, L Bölöni
39th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks Workshops, 610-615, 2014
Performance analysis of a zigbee beacon enabled cluster tree network
SA Khan, FA Khan
2009 Third International Conference on Electrical Engineering, 1-6, 2009
Routing towards a mobile sink using virtual coordinates in a wireless sensor network
R Rahmatizadeh, SA Khan, AP Jayasumana, D Turgut, L Bölöni
Bridge protection algorithms–A technique for fault-tolerance in sensor networks
SA Khan, L Bölöni, D Turgut
Ad Hoc Networks 24, 186-199, 2015
Scheduling multiple mobile sinks in Underwater Sensor Networks
FA Khan, SA Khan, D Turgut, L Bölöni
2015 IEEE 40th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), 149-156, 2015
Experimental investigation into the effect of the thermal boundary condition on heat transfer in the entrance region of a pipe
WB Hall, SA Khan
Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science 6 (3), 250-255, 1964
Optimizing resurfacing schedules to maximize value of information in UWSNs
FA Khan, SA Khan, D Turgut, L Boloni
2016 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1-5, 2016
Investigation of forced convection heat transfer to supercritical pressure carbon dioxide
WB Hall, JD Jackson, SA Khan
International Heat Transfer Conference Digital Library, 1966
Influence of environment on yield related traits of exotic oatscultivars
A Hussain, S Khan, M Bashir
Sarhad Journal of Agriculture (Pakistan) 21 (2), 2005
Automatic Detection and Computer Vision Analysis of Flow Dynamics and Social Groups in Pedestrian Crowds
SD Khan
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2016
Towards a computational model of social norms
L Bölöni, T Singh Bhatia, SA Khan, J Streater, SM Fiore
PloS one 13 (4), e0195331, 2018
QoS provisioning using hybrid FSO RF based hierarchical model for wireless multimedia sensor networks
SA Khan, SA Arshad
arXiv preprint arXiv:0909.0571, 2009
Screening of wheat genotypes for resistance against cereal aphids.
SA Khan, NH Naseer Hussain, F Farmanullah, YH Yousaf Hayat
Control of suddenly expanded flow for area ratio 3.61
S Ashfaq, SA Khan, E Rathakrishnan
International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research 3, 798-807, 2013
ZigBee based reconfigurable clustered home area network
SA Khan, FA Khan, A Shahid, ZA Khan
2009 Third International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications …, 2009
Modeling the interaction between mixed teams of humans and robots and local population for a market patrol task
SA Khan, TS Bhattia, S Parker, L Bölöni
Twenty-Fifth Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference …, 2012
Clustered home area network: A beacon enabled IEEE 802.15. 4 approach
SA Khan, H Aziz, S Maqsood, S Faisal
2008 4th International Conference on Emerging Technologies, 193-198, 2008
Effect of different row spacing and orientations on the performance of maize
S Shah, S Khan, Z Muhammad, Y Hayat, M Arif
Sarhad Journal of Agriculture (Pakistan) 17 (4), 2001
Value of information based data retrieval in UWSNs
FA Khan, S Butt, SA Khan, L Bölöni, D Turgut
Sensors 18 (10), 3414, 2018
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Articles 1–20