Valentin Gold
Valentin Gold
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ConToVi: Multi‐party conversation exploration using topic‐space views
M El‐Assady, V Gold, C Acevedo, C Collins, D Keim
Computer Graphics Forum 35 (3), 431-440, 2016
Exploratory text analysis using lexical episode plots
V Gold, C Rohrdantz, M El-Assady
Visual linguistic analysis of political discussions: Measuring deliberative quality
V Gold, M El-Assady, A Hautli-Janisz, T Bögel, C Rohrdantz, M Butt, ...
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 32 (1), 141-158, 2017
Interactive visual analysis of transcribed multi-party discourse
M El-Assady, A Hautli-Janisz, V Gold, M Butt, K Holzinger, DA Keim
Questions in argumentative dialogue
A Hautli-Janisz, K Budzynska, C McKillop, B Plüss, V Gold, C Reed
Journal of Pragmatics 188, 56-79, 2022
Visual Text Analytics in Context of Digital Humanities
M El-Assady, V Gold, M John, T Ertl, D Keim
Proceedings of the Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities (Vis4DH), 2016
VisArgue: A visual text analytics framework for the study of deliberative communication
M El-Assady, V Gold, A Hautli-Janisz, W Jentner, M Butt, K Holzinger, ...
Mennatallah El-Assady, Annette Hautli-Janisz, Tina Bögel, Christian Rohrdantz, Miriam Butt, Katharina Holzinger, and Daniel Keim
V Gold
Visual linguistic analysis of political discussions: Measuring deliberative …, 2017
Augmenting public deliberations through stream argument analytics and visualisations
B Plüss, F Sperrle, V Gold, M El-Assady, A Hautli-Janisz, K Budzynska, ...
Leipzig Symposium on Visualization in Applications, 2018
Towards visualizing linguistic patterns of deliberation: a case study of the S21 arbitration
T Bögel, V Gold, A Hautli-Janisz, C Rohrdantz, S Sulger, M Butt, ...
ADHO 2014-Lausanne, 2014
VisArgue: Analysis and visualization of deliberative political communication
V Gold, A Hautli-Janisz, K Holzinger, M El-Assady
Political Communication Report 26 (1), 1-2, 2016
Partitioning Ethnic Groups and their Members: Explaining Variations in Satisfaction with Democracy in Africa
V Gold
Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy 18 (3), 2012
Power-sharing or power-dividing? walking out of the Maze
V Gold
presentation at the ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, St. Gallen, Switzerland, 2011
Towards deliberation analytics: stream processing of argument data for deliberative communication
V Gold, BPL USS, M El-Assady, F Sperrle, K Budzynska, A Hautli-Janisz, ...
Proceedings of COMMA Workshop on Argumentation and Society, 1-3, 2018
ADD-up: Visual analytics for augmented deliberative democracy
B Plüss, M El-Assady, F Sperrle, V Gold, K Budzynska, A Hautli-Janisz, ...
Computational Models of Argument, 471-472, 2018
VisArgue: Analyse von politischen Verhandlungen
V Gold, A Hautli-Janisz, K Holzinger
Zeitschrift für Konfliktmanagement 19 (3), 98-99, 2016
An automated text-analysis approach to measuring the quality of deliberative communication
V Gold, K Holzinger
Towards automating the measurement of deliberative communication
V Gold, K Holzinger, C Rohrdantz
7th General Conference of the European Consortium of Political Research …, 2013
Personality traits and debate quality
V Gold
Argumentanalyse in digitalen Textkorpora
M Butt, G Heyer, K Holzinger, C Kantner, DA Keim, J Kuhn, M El-Assady, ...
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