Lorenzo Lampariello
Cited by
Cited by
Parallel and Distributed Methods for Constrained Nonconvex Optimization-Part I: Theory
G Scutari, F Facchinei, L Lampariello
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 65 (8), 1929-1944, 2017
Parallel and Distributed Methods for Constrained Nonconvex Optimization-Part II: Applications in Communications and Machine Learning
G Scutari, F Facchinei, L Lampariello, S Sardellitti, P Song
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 65 (8), 1945-1960, 2017
Partial penalization for the solution of generalized Nash equilibrium problems
F Facchinei, L Lampariello
Journal of Global Optimization 50, 39-57, 2011
VI-constrained hemivariational inequalities: distributed algorithms and power control in ad-hoc networks
F Facchinei, JS Pang, G Scutari, L Lampariello
Mathematical Programming 145 (1), 59-96, 2014
Parallel and distributed methods for nonconvex optimization
G Scutari, F Facchinei, L Lampariello, P Song
2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2014
A bridge between bilevel programs and Nash games
L Lampariello, S Sagratella
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 174 (2), 613-635, 2017
Ghost penalties in nonconvex constrained optimization: Diminishing stepsizes and iteration complexity
F Facchinei, V Kungurtsev, L Lampariello, G Scutari
Mathematics of Operations Research 46 (2), 595-627, 2021
Feasible methods for nonconvex nonsmooth problems with applications in green communications
F Facchinei, L Lampariello, G Scutari
Mathematical Programming 164 (1), 55-90, 2017
Numerically tractable optimistic bilevel problems
L Lampariello, S Sagratella
Computational Optimization and Applications 76, 277-303, 2020
D3M: Distributed multi-cell multigroup multicasting
P Song, G Scutari, F Facchinei, L Lampariello
2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2016
Equilibrium selection for multi-portfolio optimization
L Lampariello, C Neumann, JM Ricci, S Sagratella, O Stein
European Journal of Operational Research 295 (1), 363-373, 2021
The standard pessimistic bilevel problem
L Lampariello, S Sagratella, O Stein
SIAM Journal on Optimization 29 (2), 1634-1656, 2019
Equilibrium selection in power control games on the interference channel
G Scutari, F Facchinei, JS Pang, L Lampariello
2012 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 675-683, 2012
Effectively managing diagnostic tests to monitor the COVID-19 outbreak in Italy
L Lampariello, S Sagratella
Operations Research for Health Care 28, 100287, 2021
A risk-gain dominance maximization approach to enhanced index tracking
F Cesarone, L Lampariello, S Sagratella
Finance Research Letters 29, 231-238, 2019
An explicit Tikhonov algorithm for nested variational inequalities
L Lampariello, C Neumann, JM Ricci, S Sagratella, O Stein
Computational Optimization and Applications 77, 335-350, 2020
A bilevel approach to ESG multi-portfolio selection
F Cesarone, L Lampariello, D Merolla, JM Ricci, S Sagratella, VG Sasso
Computational Management Science 20 (1), 24, 2023
On the solution of monotone nested variational inequalities
L Lampariello, G Priori, S Sagratella
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 1-26, 2022
Combining approximation and exact penalty in hierarchical programming
G Bigi, L Lampariello, S Sagratella
Optimization 71 (8), 2403-2419, 2022
Approximate variational inequalities and equilibria
G Bigi, L Lampariello, S Sagratella, VG Sasso
Computational Management Science 20 (1), 43, 2023
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Articles 1–20