Giancarlo Petrosino
Giancarlo Petrosino
Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies National Research Council, Italy, Rome
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Cited by
Robots that have emotions
D Parisi, G Petrosino
Adaptive Behavior 18 (6), 453-469, 2010
Nonhuman gamblers: lessons from rodents, primates, and robots
F Paglieri, E Addessi, F De Petrillo, G Laviola, M Mirolli, D Parisi, ...
Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 8, 33, 2014
Selective attention enables action selection: evidence from evolutionary robotics experiments
G Petrosino, D Parisi, S Nolfi
Adaptive Behavior 21 (5), 356-370, 2013
Male and female robots
F Da Rold, G Petrosino, D Parisi
Adaptive Behavior 19 (5), 317-334, 2011
The strategic level and the tactical level of behaviour
F Ruini, G Petrosino, F Saglimbeni, D Parisi
Advances in cognitive systems, 271-299, 2010
Investigating intertemporal choice through experimental evolutionary robotics
F Paglieri, D Parisi, M Patacchiola, G Petrosino
Behavioural processes 115, 1-18, 2015
A single computational model for many learning phenomena
G Petrosino, D Parisi
Cognitive Systems Research 36, 15-29, 2015
External stores: simulating the evolution of storing goods and its effects on human behaviour
V Biscione, G Petrosino, D Parisi
Interaction Studies 16 (1), 118-140, 2015
Basi neurobiologiche del gioco d'azzardo: il contributo integrato di psicobiologia, etologia cognitiva e robotica
E Addessi, M Albano, F De Petrillo, G Laviola, M Mirolli, F Paglieri, ...
Sistemi intelligenti 27 (3), 561-614, 2015
BrainFarm: Cervelli robotici a portata di mouse
O Gigliotta, G Petrosino, M Schembri
Atti dell’ottavo Convegno Nazionale Associazione Italiana di Scienze …, 2011
External stores.
V Biscione, G Petrosino, D Parisi
Interaction Studies 16 (1), 2015
Male and female robots Running title: Male and female robots
F Da Rold, G Petrosino, D Parisi, D Parisi, VSM della Battaglia
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Articles 1–12