Davide Barbieri
Davide Barbieri
Associate Professor, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
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Riesz and frame systems generated by unitary actions of discrete groups
D Barbieri, E Hernández, J Parcet
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 39 (3), 369-399, 2015
The Zak transform and the structure of spaces invariant by the action of an LCA group
D Barbieri, E Hernández, V Paternostro
Journal of Functional Analysis 269 (5), 1327-1358, 2015
A cortical-inspired geometry for contour perception and motion integration
D Barbieri, G Citti, G Cocci, A Sarti
Journal of mathematical imaging and vision 49, 511-529, 2014
Bracket map for the Heisenberg group and the characterization of cyclic subspaces
D Barbieri, E Hernández, A Mayeli
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 37 (2), 218-234, 2014
An uncertainty principle underlying the functional architecture of V1
D Barbieri, G Citti, G Sanguinetti, A Sarti
Journal of Physiology-Paris 106 (5-6), 183-193, 2012
Approximations of Sobolev norms in Carnot groups
D Barbieri
Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 13 (05), 765-794, 2011
Spaces invariant under unitary representations of discrete groups
VP D. Barbieri, E. Hernández
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 492, 124357, 2020
Spatiotemporal receptive fields of cells in V1 are optimally shaped for stimulus velocity estimation
G Cocci, D Barbieri, A Sarti
Journal of the Optical Society of America A 29 (1), 130-138, 2011
Cortical Spatiotemporal Dimensionality Reduction for Visual Grouping
G Cocci, D Barbieri, G Citti, A Sarti
Neural computation 27 (6), 1252-1293, 2015
Reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces of CR functions for the Euclidean Motion group
D Barbieri, G Citti
Analysis and Applications 13 (03), 331-346, 2014
How uncertainty bounds the shape index of simple cells
D Barbieri, G Citti, A Sarti
The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience 4, 1-15, 2014
Regularity of minimal intrinsic graphs in 3-dimensional sub-Riemannian structures of step 2
D Barbieri, G Citti
Journal de mathématiques pures et appliquées 96 (3), 279-306, 2011
Approximation by group invariant subspaces
UM D. Barbieri, C. Cabrelli, E. Hernández
Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 142, 76-100, 2020
Lattice sub-tilings and frames in LCA groups
D Barbieri, E Hernández, A Mayeli
Comptes Rendus Mathematique 355 (2), 193-199, 2017
Tiling by lattices for locally compact abelian groups
D Barbieri, E Hernández, A Mayeli
arXiv preprint arXiv:1508.04208, 2015
Group Riesz and Frame Sequences: The Bracket and the Gramian
D Barbieri, E Hernández, V Paternostro
Collectanea Mathematica, 2017
Coherent states of the Euclidean group and activation regions of primary visual cortex
D Barbieri, G Citti, G Sanguinetti, A Sarti
arXiv preprint arXiv:1111.0669, 2011
Calderón-type inequalities for affine frames
D Barbieri, E Hernandez, A Mayeli
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 50, 326-352, 2021
Noncommutative shift-invariant spaces
D Barbieri, E Hernández, V Paternostro
arXiv preprint arXiv:1506.08942, 2015
Long-range correlations in time series generated by time-fractional diffusion: A numerical study
D Barbieri, A Vivoli
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 355 (1), 190-198, 2005
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Articles 1–20