Natalia Vanetik
Natalia Vanetik
academic staff, Software Engineering dept., SCE college of Engineering
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Cited by
Computing frequent graph patterns from semistructured data
N Vanetik, E Gudes, SE Shimony
2002 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 2002. Proceedings., 458-465, 2002
Discovering frequent graph patterns using disjoint paths
E Gudes, SE Shimony, N Vanetik
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 18 (11), 1441-1456, 2006
Support measures for graph data*
N Vanetik, SE Shimony, E Gudes
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 13 (2), 243-260, 2006
Query-based summarization using MDL principle
M Litvak, N Vanetik
Proceedings of the MultiLing 2017 Workshop on Summarization and Summary …, 2017
Query-based summarization using MDL principle
M Litvak, N Vanetik
Proceedings of the MultiLing 2017 Workshop on Summarization and Summary …, 2017
MUSEEC: A Multilingual Text Summarization Tool
M Litvak, N Vanetik, M Last, E Churkin
Proceedings of ACL-2016 System Demonstrations, 73-78, 2016
Subsea: an efficient heuristic algorithm for subgraph isomorphism
V Lipets, N Vanetik, E Gudes
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 19, 320-350, 2009
Mining frequent labeled and partially labeled graph patterns
N Vanetik, E Gudes
Data Engineering, 2004. Proceedings. 20th International Conference on, 91-102, 2004
An unsupervised constrained optimization approach to compressive summarization
N Vanetik, M Litvak, E Churkin, M Last
Information Sciences 509, 22-35, 2020
Automated discovery of mathematical definitions in text
N Vanetik, M Litvak, S Shevchuk, L Reznik
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference …, 2020
Innovative Document Summarization Techniques: Revolutionizing Knowledge Understanding: Revolutionizing Knowledge Understanding
A Fiori
IGI Global, 2014
Mining the gaps: Towards polynomial summarization
M Litvak, N Vanetik
Proceedings of the Sixth International Joint Conference on Natural Language …, 2013
In Conclusion Not Repetition: Comprehensive Abstractive Summarization With Diversified Attention Based On Determinantal Point Processes
L Li, W Liu, M Litvak, N Vanetik, Z Huang
arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.10852, 2019
Redundancy-weighting for better inference of protein structural features
C Yanover, N Vanetik, M Levitt, R Kolodny, C Keasar
Bioinformatics 30 (16), 2295-2301, 2014
Detection of Racist Language in French Tweets
N Vanetik, E Mimoun
Information 13 (7), 318, 2022
Summarization of financial documents with TF-IDF weighting of multi-word terms
S Krimberg, N Vanetik, M Litvak
Proceedings of the 3rd Financial Narrative Processing Workshop, 75-80, 2021
Improving Summarization Quality with Topic Modeling
M Litvak, N Vanetik, C Liu, L Xiao, O Savas
Proceedings of the 2015 Workshop on Topic Models: Post-Processing and …, 2015
Krimping texts for better summarization
M Litvak, M Last, N Vanetik
Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2015
Mining graphs with constraints on symmetry and diameter
N Vanetik
International Conference on Web-Age Information Management, 1-12, 2010
Offensive language detection in Hebrew: can other languages help?
M Litvak, N Vanetik, C Liebeskind, O Hmdia, RA Madeghem
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference …, 2022
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Articles 1–20