Guillaume Hutzler
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Automatic tuning of agent-based models using genetic algorithms
B Calvez, G Hutzler
International workshop on multi-agent systems and agent-based simulation, 41-57, 2005
From biological to urban cells: lessons from three multilevel agent-based models
J Gil-Quijano, T Louail, G Hutzler
International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems …, 2010
Matrix-bound PAI-1 supports cell blebbing via RhoA/ROCK1 signaling
A Cartier-Michaud, M Malo, C Charrière-Bertrand, G Gadea, C Anguille, ...
PLoS One 7 (2), e32204, 2012
Automatic characterization of emergent phenomena in complex systems
T Moncion, P Amar, G Hutzler
Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry 10, 16--23, 2010
Parameter space exploration of agent-based models
B Calvez, G Hutzler
Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems: 9th …, 2005
Du Jardin des Hasards aux Jardins de Données: une approche artistique et multi-agent des interfaces homme/systèmes complexes
G Hutzler
Paris 6, 2000
The Garden of Chances: A Visual Ecosystem
G Hutzler, B Gortais, A Drogoul
Leonardo 33 (2), 101-106, 2000
Computing with bacterial constituents, cells and populations: from bioputing to bactoputing
V Norris, A Zemirline, P Amar, JN Audinot, P Ballet, E Ben-Jacob, ...
Theory in Biosciences 130, 211-228, 2011
Accroche-toi au niveau, j’enlève l’échelle
J Gil-Quijano, G Hutzler, T Louail
Revue d’intelligence artificielle 24 (5), 625-648, 2010
Introduction to NetLogo
F Amblard, E Daudé, B Gaudou, A Grignard, G Hutzler, C Lang, ...
Agent-based spatial simulation with netlogo, 75-123, 2015
A multiscale agent-based model for the simulation of avascular tumour growth
J Lepagnot, G Hutzler
Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry 9 (1), 17-25, 2009
Towards timed automata and multi-agent systems
G Hutzler, H Klaudel, DY Wang
Formal Approaches to Agent-Based Systems: Third International Workshop …, 2005
De la cellule biologique à la cellule urbaine: retour sur trois expériences de modélisation multi-échelles à base d'agents
J Gil-Quijano, G Hutzler, T Louail
17ème Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents (JFSMA 2009), 187--198, 2009
Adaptative dichotomic optimization: a new method for the calibration of agent-based models
B Calvez, G Hutzler
21st Annual European Simulation and Modelling Conference (ESM 2007), 415--419, 2007
Emotion modeling for intelligent agents-Towards a unifying framework
THH Dang, G Hutzler, P Hoppenot
2011 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conferences on Web Intelligence and …, 2011
Ant colony systems and the calibration of multi-agent simulations: a new approach
B Calvez, G Hutzler
Multi-Agents for modelling Complex Systems (MA4CS'07) Satellite Workshop of …, 2007
Combination of simulation and model-checking for the analysis of autonomous vehicles’ behaviors: A case study
J Arcile, J Sobieraj, H Klaudel, G Hutzler
Multi-Agent Systems and Agreement Technologies: 15th European Conference …, 2018
When a collective outcome triggers a rare individual event: a mode of metastatic process in a cell population
M Malo, A Cartier-Michaud, E Fabre-Guillevin, G Hutzler, F Delaplace, ...
Mathematical Population Studies 17 (3), 136-165, 2010
J'ai dansé avec machine ou comment repenser les rapports entre l'homme et son environnement.
G Hutzler, B Gortais, P Joly, Y Orlarey, JD Zucker
JFSMA, 147-150, 2002
Dual-based user-guided hexahedral block generation using frame fields
S Calderan, G Hutzler, F Ledoux
28th International Meshing Roundtable, 2020
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Articles 1–20