Shira Barzilay
Shira Barzilay
Assistant Professor, University of Haifa
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Prevalence of pathological internet use among adolescents in E urope: demographic and social factors
T Durkee, M Kaess, V Carli, P Parzer, C Wasserman, B Floderus, A Apter, ...
Addiction 107 (12), 2210-2222, 2012
Life‐time prevalence and psychosocial correlates of adolescent direct self‐injurious behavior: A comparative study of findings in 11 European countries
R Brunner, M Kaess, P Parzer, G Fischer, V Carli, CW Hoven, ...
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 55 (4), 337-348, 2014
Bullying victimization and suicide ideation and behavior among adolescents in Europe: A 10-country study
S Barzilay, AB Klomek, A Apter, V Carli, C Wasserman, G Hadlaczky, ...
Journal of Adolescent Health 61 (2), 179-186, 2017
Psychological models of suicide
S Barzilay, A Apter
Archives of suicide research 18 (4), 295-312, 2014
Bi‐directional longitudinal associations between different types of bullying victimization, suicide ideation/attempts, and depression among a large sample of European adolescents
A Brunstein Klomek, S Barzilay, A Apter, V Carli, CW Hoven, ...
Journal of child psychology and psychiatry 60 (2), 209-215, 2019
The interpersonal theory of suicide and adolescent suicidal behavior
S Barzilay, D Feldman, A Snir, A Apter, V Carli, CW Hoven, C Wasserman, ...
Journal of affective disorders 183, 68-74, 2015
Suicide Crisis Syndrome: A review of supporting evidence for a new suicide‐specific diagnosis
A Schuck, R Calati, S Barzilay, S Bloch‐Elkouby, I Galynker
Behavioral sciences & the law 37 (3), 223-239, 2019
Predictive validity of proposed diagnostic criteria for the suicide crisis syndrome: an acute presuicidal state
ZS Yaseen, M Hawes, S Barzilay, I Galynker
Suicide and Life‐Threatening Behavior 49 (4), 1124-1135, 2019
The suicide crisis syndrome: A network analysis.
S Bloch-Elkouby, B Gorman, A Schuck, S Barzilay, R Calati, LJ Cohen, ...
Journal of counseling psychology 67 (5), 595, 2020
How do distal and proximal risk factors combine to predict suicidal ideation and behaviors? A prospective study of the narrative crisis model of suicide
S Bloch-Elkouby, B Gorman, L Lloveras, T Wilkerson, A Schuck, ...
Journal of Affective Disorders 277, 914-926, 2020
Psychosocial factors correlated with undisclosed suicide attempts to significant others: findings from the adolescence SEYLE study
Y Levi‐Belz, T Gavish‐Marom, S Barzilay, A Apter, V Carli, C Hoven, ...
Suicide and Life‐Threatening Behavior 49 (3), 759-773, 2019
A longitudinal examination of the interpersonal theory of suicide and effects of school‐based suicide prevention interventions in a multinational study of adolescents
S Barzilay, A Apter, A Snir, V Carli, CW Hoven, M Sarchiapone, ...
Journal of child psychology and psychiatry 60 (10), 1104-1111, 2019
Emotional responses to suicidal patients: Factor structure, construct, and predictive validity of the Therapist Response Questionnaire-Suicide Form
S Barzilay, ZS Yaseen, M Hawes, B Gorman, R Altman, A Foster, A Apter, ...
Frontiers in psychiatry 9, 104, 2018
Correlates of chronic suicidal ideation among community-based minor-attracted persons
LJ Cohen, S Wilman-Depena, S Barzilay, M Hawes, Z Yaseen, I Galynker
Sexual Abuse 32 (3), 273-300, 2020
The revised suicide crisis inventory (SCI-2): Validation and assessment of prospective suicidal outcomes at one month follow-up
S Bloch-Elkouby, S Barzilay, BS Gorman, OC Lawrence, ML Rogers, ...
Journal of affective disorders 295, 1280-1291, 2021
Excessive and pathological Internet use–Risk-behavior or psychopathology?
M Kaess, J Klar, J Kindler, P Parzer, R Brunner, V Carli, M Sarchiapone, ...
Addictive behaviors 123, 107045, 2021
Determinants and predictive value of clinician assessment of short‐term suicide risk
S Barzilay, ZS Yaseen, M Hawes, I Kopeykina, F Ardalan, P Rosenfield, ...
Suicide and Life‐Threatening Behavior 49 (2), 614-626, 2019
Anhedonia and suicidal thoughts and behaviors in psychiatric outpatients: The role of acuity
M Hawes, I Galynker, S Barzilay, ZS Yaseen
Depression and anxiety 35 (12), 1218-1227, 2018
Assessment of near-term risk for suicide attempts using the suicide crisis inventory
S Barzilay, K Assounga, J Veras, C Beaubian, S Bloch-Elkouby, ...
Journal of affective disorders 276, 183-190, 2020
Associations between clinicians' emotional responses, therapeutic alliance, and patient suicidal ideation
S Barzilay, A Schuck, S Bloch‐Elkouby, ZS Yaseen, M Hawes, ...
Depression and Anxiety 37 (3), 214-223, 2020
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