Jean-Pierre Gauthier
Jean-Pierre Gauthier
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Genome Sequence of the Pea Aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum
S Richards
PLoS Biology 8 (2), 2010
Genetic architecture of sexual and asexual populations of the aphid Rhopalosiphum padi based on allozyme and microsatellite markers
F Delmotte, N Leterme, JP Gauthier, C Rispe, JC Simon
Molecular Ecology 11 (4), 711-723, 2002
Reaction norms of size characters in relation to growth temperature in Drosophila melanogaster: an isofemale lines analysis
JR David, B Moreteau, JP Gauthier, G Pétavy, A Stockel, AG Imasheva
Genetics Selection Evolution 26 (3), 229-251, 1994
Carotid baroreflex control of blood pressure and heart rate in men during dynamic exercise
Bacterial communities associated with host-adapted populations of pea aphids revealed by deep sequencing of 16S ribosomal DNA
JP Gauthier, Y Outreman, L Mieuzet, JC Simon
PloS one 10 (3), e0120664, 2015
Large-scale gene discovery in the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum(Hemiptera)
B Sabater-Muñoz, F Legeai, C Rispe, J Bonhomme, P Dearden, C Dossat, ...
Genome Biology 7, 1-11, 2006
AphidBase: a centralized bioinformatic resource for annotation of the pea aphid genome
F Legeai, S Shigenobu, JP Gauthier, J Colbourne, C Rispe, O Collin, ...
Insect molecular biology 19, 5-12, 2010
Abdominal pigmentation and growth temperature in Drosophila melanogaster: Similarities and differences in the norms of reaction of successive segments
JR David, P Capy, JP Gauthier
Journal of evolutionary Biology 3 (5‐6), 429-445, 1990
Evidence for predominant clones in a cyclically parthenogenetic organism provided by combined demographic and genetic analyses
L Haack, JC Simon, JP Gauthier, M Plantegenest, CA Dedryver
Molecular Ecology 9 (12), 2055-2066, 2000
Genetic diversity among a complex of cereal cyst nematodes inferred from RFLP analysis of the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region
S Bekal, JP Gauthier, R Rivoal
Genome 40 (4), 479-486, 1997
Characterisation of Erwinia carotovora subspecies and detection of Erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica in potato plants, soil and water extracts with PCR-based methods
V Hélias, AC Le Roux, Y Bertheau, D Andrivon, JP Gauthier, B Jouan
European Journal of Plant Pathology 104 (7), 685-699, 1998
Genetic and phenotypic diversity in the graminaceous cyst nematode complex, inferred from PCR-RFLP of ribosomal DNA and morphometric analysis
R Rivoal, S Valette, S Bekal, JP Gauthier, A Yahyaoui
European Journal of Plant Pathology 109, 227-241, 2003
Transcriptomic and proteomic analyses of seasonal photoperiodism in the pea aphid
G Le Trionnaire, F Francis, S Jaubert-Possamai, J Bonhomme, ...
Bmc Genomics 10, 1-14, 2009
Cuticular proteins and seasonal photoperiodism in aphids
A Gallot, C Rispe, N Leterme, JP Gauthier, S Jaubert-Possamai, D Tagu
Insect biochemistry and molecular biology 40 (3), 235-240, 2010
Genomic analysis of the biocontrol strain Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf29Arp with evidence of T3SS and T6SS gene expression on plant roots
M Marchi, M Boutin, K Gazengel, C Rispe, JP Gauthier, ...
Environmental microbiology reports 5 (3), 393-403, 2013
Variation in reproductive capacity and virulence on different genotypes and resistance genes of Triticeae, in the cereal cyst nematode species complex
R Rivoal, S Bekal, S Valette, JP Gauthier, MBH Fradj, A Mokabli, J Jahier, ...
Nematology 3 (6), 581-592, 2001
RFLP mapping of the whole genome of ten viral isolates representative of different biological groups of potato virus Y
L Glais, M Tribodet, JP Gauthier, S Astier-Manifacier, C Robaglia, ...
Archives of virology 143, 2077-2091, 1998
Genetic control of contagious asexuality in the pea aphid
J Jaquiéry, S Stoeckel, C Larose, P Nouhaud, C Rispe, L Mieuzet, ...
PLoS Genetics 10 (12), e1004838, 2014
Variation in virulence of cereal cyst nematode populations from North Africa and Asia
A Mokabli, S Valette, JP Gauthier, R Rivoal
Nematology 4 (4), 521-525, 2002
Molecular characterization of clones of the Myzus persicae complex (Hemiptera: Aphididae) differing in their ability to transmit the potato leafroll luteovirus (PLRV)
L Terradot, JC Simon, N Leterme, D Bourdin, ACC Wilson, JP Gauthier, ...
Bulletin of Entomological Research 89 (4), 355-363, 1999
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