Magrini M-B
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Cited by
Designing coupled innovations for the sustainability transition of agrifood systems
JM Meynard, MH Jeuffroy, M Le Bail, A Lefèvre, MB Magrini, C Michon
Agricultural systems 157, 330-339, 2017
Why are grain-legumes rarely present in cropping systems despite their environmental and nutritional benefits? Analyzing lock-in in the French agrifood system
MB Magrini, M Anton, C Cholez, G Corre-Hellou, G Duc, MH Jeuffroy, ...
Ecological Economics 126, 152-162, 2016
Legumes for feed, food, biomaterials and bioenergy in Europe: a review
AS Voisin, J Guéguen, C Huyghe, MH Jeuffroy, MB Magrini, JM Meynard, ...
Agronomy for Sustainable Development 34, 361-380, 2014
Socio-technical lock-in hinders crop diversification in France
JM Meynard, F Charrier, M Fares, M Le Bail, MB Magrini, A Charlier, ...
Agronomy for Sustainable Development 38, 1-13, 2018
Freins et leviers à la diversification des cultures. Etude au niveau des exploitations agricoles et des filières. Rapport d'étude
JM Meynard, A Messéan, A Charlier, F Charrier, M Le Bail, MB Magrini
auto-saisine; INRA, 2013
The plurality of values in sustainable agriculture models
G Plumecocq, T Debril, M Duru, MB Magrini, JP Sarthou, O Therond
Ecology and Society 23 (1), 2018
Transition agro-écologique, innovation et effets de verrouillage: le rôle de la structure organisationnelle des filières. Le cas de la filière blé dur française
MB Magrini, P Triboulet
ISDA 2010 Innovation and Sustainable Development in Agriculture and Food, 2010
Pulses for sustainability: breaking agriculture and food sectors out of lock-in
MB Magrini, M Anton, JM Chardigny, G Duc, M Duru, MH Jeuffroy, ...
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 2, 64, 2018
Marshall’s versus Jacobs’ externalities in firm innovation performance: The case of French industry
D Galliano, MB Magrini, P Triboulet
Geography of Innovation, 74-92, 2018
Agroecological transition from farms to territorialised agri-food systems: issues and drivers
MB Magrini, G Martin, MA Magne, M Duru, N Couix, L Hazard, ...
Agroecological transitions: From theory to practice in local participatory …, 2019
What influences farm size growth? An illustration in Southwestern France
M Akimowicz, MB Magrini, A Ridier, JE Bergez, D Requier‐Desjardins
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 35 (2), 242-269, 2013
Pratiques agricoles innovantes et logistique des coopératives agricoles: Une étude ex ante sur l’acceptabilité de cultures associées blé dur-légumineuses
MB Magrini, P Triboulet, L Bedoussac
Economie rurale, 25-45, 2013
The drivers of product innovations in pulse-based foods: insights from case studies in France, Italy and USA 1
M Lascialfari, MB Magrini, P Triboulet
Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, 111-143, 2019
Socio-technical lock-in hinders crop diversification in France. Agron Sustain Dev 38: 54
JM Meynard, F Charrier, M Fares, M Le Bail, MB Magrini, A Charlier, ...
Exploring inter-firm knowledge through contractual governance: a case study of production contracts for faba-bean procurement in France
C Cholez, MB Magrini, D Galliano
Journal of Rural Studies 73, 135-146, 2020
La diversification des cultures: lever les obstacles agronomiques et économiques
JM Meynard, A Messéan
Quae, 2014
Caractérisation socio-économique des formes d’agriculture durable
G Plumecocq, T Debril, M Duru, MB Magrini, JP Sarthou, O Therond
Économie rurale 363, 99-120, 2018
Agglomeration economies, firms' spatial organization and innovation performance: some evidence from the French industry
MB Magrini, D Galliano
Industry and innovation 19 (7), 607-630, 2012
Technological lock-in and pathways for crop diversification in the bio-economy
MB Magrini, N Béfort, M Nieddu
Agroecosystem Diversity, 375-388, 2019
Agroecological transition, innovation and lock-in effects: the impact of the organizational design of supply chains. The French Durum wheat supply chain case.
M Fares, MB Magrini, P Triboulet
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Articles 1–20