Régis Lengelle
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Initializing back propagation networks with prototypes
T Denoeux, R Lengellé
Neural Networks 6 (3), 351-363, 1993
Sleep stage scoring using the neural network model: comparison between visual and automatic analysis in normal subjects and patients
N Schaltenbrand, R Lengelle, M Toussaint, R Luthringer, G Carelli, ...
Sleep 19 (1), 26-35, 1996
Neural network model: application to automatic analysis of human sleep
N Schaltenbrand, R Lengelle, JP Macher
Computers and Biomedical Research 26 (2), 157-171, 1993
Nonintrusive turbomachine blade vibration measurement system
P Beauseroy, R Lengellé
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 21 (4), 1717-1738, 2007
Training MLPs layer by layer using an objective function for internal representations
R Lengellé, T Denoeux
Neural Networks 9 (1), 83-97, 1996
Abnormal events detection using unsupervised one-class svm-application to audio surveillance and evaluation
S Lecomte, R Lengellé, C Richard, F Capman, B Ravera
2011 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based …, 2011
Joint time and time-frequency optimal detection of K-complexes in sleep EEG
C Richard, R Lengelle
Computers and biomedical research 31 (3), 209-229, 1998
Formal neural network as an adaptative model for water demand
S Canu, R Sobral, R Lengellé
International Neural Network Conference 1990, 1990
Joint recursive implementation of time—frequency representations and their modified version by the reassignment method
C Richard, R Lengellé
Signal Processing 60 (2), 163-179, 1997
Nonlinear adaptive filtering using kernel‐based algorithms with dictionary adaptation
C Saide, R Lengelle, P Honeine, C Richard, R Achkar
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 29 (11 …, 2015
Method and system for detecting sound events in a given environment
S Lecomte, F Capman, B Ravera, R Lengelle, C Richard
US Patent App. 13/962,866, 2014
An improved training algorithm for nonlinear kernel discriminants
F Abdallah, C Richard, R Lengellé
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 52 (10), 2798-2806, 2004
Online kernel adaptive algorithms with dictionary adaptation for MIMO models
C Saidé, R Lengellé, P Honeine, R Achkar
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 20 (5), 535-538, 2013
Data-driven design and complexity control of time–frequency detectors
C Richard, R Lengellé
Signal Processing 77 (1), 37-48, 1999
Décision et reconnaissance des formes en signal
R Lengellé
Hermès; Lavoisier, 2002
New results on the relation between tyre–road longitudinal stiffness and maximum available grip for motor car
A Andrieux, PO Vandanjon, R Lengellé, C Chabanon
Vehicle system dynamics 48 (12), 1511-1533, 2010
Statistical decision tree: A tool for studying pharmaco-EEG effects of CNS-active drugs
KT Dago, R Luthringer, R Lengellé, G Rinaudo, JP Macher
Neuropsychobiology 29 (2), 91-96, 1994
Maximum margin one class support vector machines for multiclass problems
M Tohmé, R Lengellé
Pattern Recognition Letters 32 (13), 1652-1658, 2011
Dictionary adaptation for online prediction of time series data with kernels
C Saidé, R Lengellé, P Honeine, C Richard, R Achkar
2012 IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP), 604-607, 2012
Nonlinear regularized Wiener filtering with kernels: Application in denoising MEG data corrupted by ECG
I Constantin, C Richard, R Lengelle, L Soufflet
IEEE transactions on signal processing 54 (12), 4796-4806, 2006
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