Ali Al-Maktoumi
Cited by
Cited by
An optimization-simulation approach for groundwater abstraction under recharge uncertainty
S Zekri, C Triki, A Al-Maktoumi, MR Bazargan-Lari
Water resources management 29, 3681-3695, 2015
Simulation-optimization approach for evaluating the feasibility of managed aquifer recharge in the samail lower catchment, Oman
Ebrahim G. Y., Jonoski A., Al-Maktoumi A., Mushtaque A., Mynett A.
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management(ASCE), DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE …, 2015
Conjunctive use of groundwater and surface water resources with aquifer recharge by treated wastewater: evaluation of management scenarios in the Zarqa River Basin, Jordan
M El-Rawy, VA Zlotnik, M Al-Raggad, A Al-Maktoumi, A Kacimov, ...
Environmental Earth Sciences 75, 1-21, 2016
Home gardening in Muscat, Oman: Gardeners’ practices, perceptions and motivations
A Al-Mayahi, S Al-Ismaily, T Gibreel, A Kacimov, A Al-Maktoumi
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 38, 286-294, 2019
Hydrological and economic feasibility of mitigating a stressed coastal aquifer using managed aquifer recharge: a case study of Jamma aquifer, Oman
M El-Rawy, A Al-Maktoumi, S Zekri, O Abdalla, R Al-Abri
Journal of Arid Land 11, 148-159, 2019
based learning for undergraduate students in soil and water sciences: a case study of hydropedology in an arid-zone environment
A Al-Maktoumi, S Al-Ismaily, A Kacimov
Journal of Geography in Higher Education 40 (3), 321-339, 2016
A critical review of environmental and public health impacts from the activities of evaporation ponds
P Amoatey, A Izady, A Al-Maktoumi, M Chen, I Al-Harthy, K Al-Jabri, ...
Science of the Total Environment 796, 149065, 2021
Green-Ampt one-dimensional infiltration from a ponded surface into a heterogeneous soil
AR Kacimov, S Al-Ismaily, A Al-Maktoumi
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 136, 68, 2010
Morphed block-crack preferential sedimentation in a reservoir bed: a smart design and evolution in nature
SS Al-Ismaily, AK Al-Maktoumi, AR Kacimov, SM Al-Saqri, HA Al-Busaidi, ...
Hydrological sciences journal 58 (8), 1779-1788, 2013
Soil substrate as a cascade of capillary barriers for conserving water in a desert environment: lessons learned from arid nature
A Al-Maktoumi, S Al-Ismaily, A Kacimov, H Al-Busaidi, S Al-Saqri, ...
Journal of Arid Land 6, 690-703, 2014
Management options for a multipurpose coastal aquifer in Oman
A Al-Maktoumi, M El-Rawy, S Zekri
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 9, 1-14, 2016
Assessment of the impact of climate change on coastal aquifers in Oman
A Al-Maktoumi, S Zekri, M El-Rawy, O Abdalla, M Al-Wardy, G Al-Rawas, ...
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 11, 1-14, 2018
Infiltration into two-layered soil: the green–ampt and averyanov models revisited
A Al-Maktoumi, A Kacimov, S Al-Ismaily, H Al-Busaidi, S Al-Saqri
Transport in Porous Media 109, 169-193, 2015
Impact of a recharge dam on the hydropedology of arid zone soils in Oman: anthropogenic formation factor
SS Al-Ismaily, AK Al-Maktoumi, AR Kacimov, SM Al-Saqri, HA Al-Busaidi
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 20 (4), 04014053, 2015
A review of geothermal energy status and potentials in Middle-East countries
P Amoatey, M Chen, A Al-Maktoumi, A Izady, MS Baawain
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 14, 1-19, 2021
Stochastic techno-economic analysis of CO2-circulated geothermal energy production in a closed reservoir system
MM Rajabi, M Chen, A Bozorgpour, A Al-Maktoumi, A Izady
Geothermics 96, 102202, 2021
Estimating groundwater mounding in sloping aquifers for managed aquifer recharge
VA Zlotnik, A Kacimov, A Al‐Maktoumi
Groundwater 55 (6), 797-810, 2017
Development and surrogate-based calibration of a CO2 reservoir model
M Chen, OA Abdalla, A Izady, MR Nikoo, A Al-Maktoumi
Journal of Hydrology 586, 124798, 2020
Aquifer storage and recovery, and managed aquifer recharge of reclaimed water for management of coastal aquifers
Al-Maktoumi A., Zekri S., El-Rawy M., Abdalla O., Al-Abri A., Trikia Ch ...
Desalination and Water Treatment 176, 67-77, 2020
Risk-based stochastic optimization of evaporation ponds as a cost-effective and environmentally-friendly solution for the disposal of oil-produced water
A Izady, MR Nikoo, PH Bakhtiari, MS Baawain, H Al-Mamari, TAM Msagati, ...
Journal of Water Process Engineering 38, 101607, 2020
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Articles 1–20