Fabrice Gamboa
Fabrice Gamboa
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Exact reconstruction using Beurling minimal extrapolation
Y De Castro, F Gamboa
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and applications 395 (1), 336-354, 2012
Obtaining fairness using optimal transport theory
P Gordaliza, E Del Barrio, G Fabrice, JM Loubes
International conference on machine learning, 2357-2365, 2019
Generalized hoeffding-sobol decomposition for dependent variables-application to sensitivity analysis
G Chastaing, F Gamboa, C Prieur
Local polynomial estimation for sensitivity analysis on models with correlated inputs
S Da Veiga, F Wahl, F Gamboa
Technometrics 51 (4), 452-463, 2009
Spike detection from inaccurate samplings
JM Azais, Y De Castro, F Gamboa
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 38 (2), 177-195, 2015
Derivative-based global sensitivity measures: General links with Sobol’indices and numerical tests
M Lamboni, B Iooss, AL Popelin, F Gamboa
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 87, 45-54, 2013
Bayesian methods and maximum entropy for ill-posed inverse problems
F Gamboa, E Gassiat
The Annals of Statistics 25 (1), 328-350, 1997
Sensitivity analysis for multidimensional and functional outputs
F Gamboa, A Janon, T Klein, A Lagnoux
Large deviations for quadratic forms of stationary Gaussian processes
B Bercu, F Gamboa, A Rouault
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 71 (1), 75-90, 1997
Sensitivity indices for multivariate outputs
F Gamboa, A Janon, T Klein, A Lagnoux
Comptes Rendus. Mathématique 351 (7-8), 307-310, 2013
Maximum d'entropie et problème des moments
D Dacunha-Castelle, F Gamboa
Annales de l'IHP Probabilités et statistiques 26 (4), 567-596, 1990
Basics and trends in sensitivity analysis: Theory and practice in R
S Da Veiga, F Gamboa, B Iooss, C Prieur
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2021
Generalized Sobol sensitivity indices for dependent variables: numerical methods
G Chastaing, F Gamboa, C Prieur
Journal of statistical computation and simulation 85 (7), 1306-1333, 2015
Statistical inference for Sobol pick-freeze Monte Carlo method
F Gamboa, A Janon, T Klein, A Lagnoux, C Prieur
Statistics 50 (4), 881-902, 2016
Exact solutions to super resolution on semi-algebraic domains in higher dimensions
Y De Castro, F Gamboa, D Henrion, JB Lasserre
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 63 (1), 621-630, 2016
Semi-parametric estimation of shifts
F Gamboa, JM Loubes, E Maza
Sensitivity analysis based on Cramér--von Mises distance
F Gamboa, T Klein, A Lagnoux
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 6 (2), 522-548, 2018
Density modification-based reliability sensitivity analysis
P Lemaître, E Sergienko, A Arnaud, N Bousquet, F Gamboa, B Iooss
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 85 (6), 1200-1223, 2015
A Gaussian process regression model for distribution inputs
F Bachoc, F Gamboa, JM Loubes, N Venet
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 64 (10), 6620-6637, 2017
Approximate optimal designs for multivariate polynomial regression
Y De Castro, F Gamboa, D Henrion, R Hess, JB Lasserre
The Annals of Statistics 47 (1), 127-155, 2019
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