Professor, FEMTO-ST, UTBM
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Higher order sliding mode control based on integral sliding mode
S Laghrouche, F Plestan, A Glumineau
Automatica 43 (3), 531-537, 2007
Barrier function-based adaptive sliding mode control
H Obeid, LM Fridman, S Laghrouche, M Harmouche
Automatica 93, 540-544, 2018
Adaptive second-order sliding mode observer-based fault reconstruction for PEM fuel cell air-feed system
S Laghrouche, J Liu, FS Ahmed, M Harmouche, M Wack
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 23 (3), 1098-1109, 2014
Robust control of the PEM fuel cell air-feed system via sub-optimal second order sliding mode
I Matraji, S Laghrouche, S Jemei, M Wack
Applied Energy 104, 945-957, 2013
Adaptive-gain second-order sliding mode observer design for switching power converters
J Liu, S Laghrouche, M Harmouche, M Wack
Control Engineering Practice 30, 124-131, 2014
Observer-based higher order sliding mode control of power factor in three-phase AC/DC converter for hybrid electric vehicle applications
J Liu, S Laghrouche, M Wack
International Journal of Control 87 (6), 1117-1130, 2014
A new algorithm for high‐order sliding mode control
F Plestan, A Glumineau, S Laghrouche
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control: IFAC‐Affiliated …, 2008
Degradation prediction of proton exchange membrane fuel cell based on grey neural network model and particle swarm optimization
K Chen, S Laghrouche, A Djerdir
Energy Conversion and Management 195, 810-818, 2019
Fuel cell health prognosis using Unscented Kalman Filter: Postal fuel cell electric vehicles case study
K Chen, S Laghrouche, A Djerdir
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 44 (3), 1930-1939, 2019
Degradation model of proton exchange membrane fuel cell based on a novel hybrid method
K Chen, S Laghrouche, A Djerdir
Applied Energy 252, 113439, 2019
Barrier function-based adaptive super-twisting controller
H Obeid, S Laghrouche, L Fridman, Y Chitour, M Harmouche
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 65 (11), 4928-4933, 2020
Higher order sliding mode control based on optimal approach of an electropneumatic actuator
S Laghrouche¶, M Smaoui, F Plestan, X Brun
International journal of Control 79 (2), 119-131, 2006
Passivity-based control applied to DC hybrid power source using fuel cell and supercapacitors
MY Ayad, M Becherif, A Henni, A Aboubou, M Wack, S Laghrouche
Energy Conversion and Management 51 (7), 1468-1475, 2010
Disturbance-observer-based complementary sliding-mode speed control for PMSM drives: A super-twisting sliding-mode observer-based approach
YC Liu, S Laghrouche, D Depernet, A Djerdir, M Cirrincione
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 9 (5 …, 2020
Barrier function-based adaptive higher order sliding mode controllers
S Laghrouche, M Harmouche, Y Chitour, H Obeid, LM Fridman
Automatica 123, 109355, 2021
Pressure control in a PEM fuel cell via second order sliding mode
I Matraji, S Laghrouche, M Wack
international journal of hydrogen energy 37 (21), 16104-16116, 2012
PEM fuel cell air-feed system observer design for automotive applications: An adaptive numerical differentiation approach
J Liu, S Laghrouche, FS Ahmed, M Wack
international journal of hydrogen energy 39 (30), 17210-17221, 2014
Robust second order sliding mode control for a permanent magnet synchronous motor
S Laghrouche, F Plestan, A Glumineau, R Boisliveau
Proceedings of the 2003 American Control Conference, 2003. 5, 4071-4076, 2003
Control of PEMFC air-feed system using Lyapunov-based robust and adaptive higher order sliding mode control
S Laghrouche, M Harmouche, FS Ahmed, Y Chitour
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 23 (4), 1594-1601, 2014
Higher order super-twisting for perturbed chains of integrators
S Laghrouche, M Harmouche, Y Chitour
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 62 (7), 3588-3593, 2017
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