Christopher R. Moberg
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Identifying antecedents of information exchange within supply chains
CR Moberg, BD Cutler, A Gross, TW Speh
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 32 (9 …, 2002
Service loyalty: implications for service providers
RRG Javalgi, CR Moberg
Journal of services marketing 11 (3), 165-179, 1997
Location science research: a review
TS Hale, CR Moberg
Annals of operations research 123, 21-35, 2003
Improving supply chain disaster preparedness: A decision process for secure site location
T Hale, CR Moberg
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 35 (3 …, 2005
Evaluating the relationship between questionable business practices and the strength of supply chain relationships
CR Moberg, TW Speh
Journal of business logistics 24 (2), 1-19, 2003
SCM: Making the vision a reality
CR Moberg, TW Speh, TL Freese
SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT REVIEW, V. 7, NO. 5 (SEPT./OCT. 2003), P. 34-39: ILL, 2003
Branding implications of partner firm‐focal firm relationships in business‐to‐business service networks
F Morgan, D Deeter‐Schmelz, CR Moberg
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 22 (6), 372-382, 2007
Church marketing: Strategies for retaining and attracting members
MS Webb, WB Joseph, K Schimmel, C Moberg
Journal of Professional Services Marketing 17 (2), 1-16, 1998
Do the management components of supply chain management affect logistics performance?
CR Moberg, TW Whipple, BD Cutler, TW Speh
The International Journal of Logistics Management 15 (2), 15-30, 2004
Third‐Party Warehousing Selection: A Comparison of National and Regional Firms
CR Moberg, TW Speh
American Journal of Business 19 (2), 71-76, 2004
The development of a research agenda for RFID adoption and effectiveness in supply chains
V Matta, C Moberg
Issues in Information Systems 7 (2), 246-251, 2006
Effectiveness of Problem-Based Learning in Introductory Business Courses.
KB Hartman, CR Moberg, JM Lambert
Journal of Instructional Pedagogies 12, 2013
Examining the differences in salesperson motivation among different cultures
CR Moberg, M Leasher
American Journal of Business 26 (2), 145-160, 2011
Time to remodel
CR Moberg, K Vitasek, TL Stank, A Pienaar
CSCMP’s Supply Chain Quarterly 2 (3), 36-48, 2008
Luxury suites and team selling in professional sport
HJ Lawrence, CR Moberg
Team Performance Management: An International Journal 15 (3/4), 185-201, 2009
Collaborative communication between sales and logistics and its impact on business process effectiveness: A theoretical approach
CB Gabler, R Agnihotri, CR Moberg
Journal of Marketing Channels 21 (4), 242-253, 2014
Evaluating the impact of collegiate sales training and education on early salesperson performance
MK Leasher, CR Moberg
Journal of Selling & Major Account Management 8 (4), 32-45, 2008
Fortune 100 Companies: Insight into Premium Seating Ownership.
P Titlebaum, H Lawrence, C Moberg, C Ramos
Sport Marketing Quarterly 22 (1), 2013
An Update on Academic Dishonesty in the College Classroom.
C Moberg, JZ Sojka, A Gupta
Journal on Excellence in College Teaching 19 (1), 149-176, 2008
Attorney advertising: The link between ad cues and consumer search criteria
BD Cutler, C Moberg, K Schimmel
Journal of Professional Services Marketing 19 (1), 1-14, 1999
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