Cormac O'Keeffe
Cormac O'Keeffe
Associate Member Centre for Technology Enhanced Learning, Lancaster University
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Cited by
Cited by
Producing data through e-assessment: A trace ethnographic investigation into e-assessment events
C O’Keeffe
European Educational Research Journal 15 (1), 99-116, 2016
Economizing education: Assessment algorithms and calculative agencies
C O’Keeffe
E-Learning and Digital Media 14 (3), 123-137, 2017
Performing Blended Learning as a Product and a Service
C O'Keefe, G Parchoma
9th International Conference on Networked Learning, Edinburgh, 2014
Investigating adult skills assessment in ESOnline: a digital ethnography
C O'Keeffe
in Grummell, B. & Fergal, F. (Eds.) Doing Creative and Critical Research in …, 2020
International Reports (Including OECD)
C O'Keeffe
Encyclopedia of Education and Information Technologies, 1-8, 2020
Trace ethnography: working with data from learning and assessment
C O'Keeffe
Proceedings of the International Conference on Networked Learning 10, 308-312, 2016
Our Economy
C Vasquez, C., Giraudeau, M., Hennion, A., Lepinay, V., & O’Keeffe
Reset Modernity! In Latour, B., Leclercq, C. (Eds.), 260-271, 2016
Value meters and knowledge economies
C O'Keeffe
In B. Latour, V. Lepinay, A. Hennion, F. Cooren, D. Debaise, M. Doueihi, N …, 2014
Untangling Strong and Weak Ties in Blended Assessment
C O’Keeffe
Conference proceedings. ICT for language learning, 399, 2013
Trace ethnography: working with data from digital assessment
C O’Keeffe
Untangling Strong and Weak Ties in ESOL Blended Assessment in the Corporate Sector
C O’Keeffe
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Articles 1–11