Caroline Prodhon
Caroline Prodhon
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A survey of recent research on location-routing problems
C Prodhon, C Prins
European journal of operational research 238 (1), 1-17, 2014
Solving the capacitated location-routing problem by a cooperative Lagrangean relaxation-granular tabu search heuristic
C Prins, C Prodhon, A Ruiz, P Soriano, R Wolfler Calvo
Transportation science 41 (4), 470-483, 2007
A branch-and-cut method for the capacitated location-routing problem
JM Belenguer, E Benavent, C Prins, C Prodhon, RW Calvo
Computers & Operations Research 38 (6), 931-941, 2011
Solving the capacitated location-routing problem by a GRASP complemented by a learning process and a path relinking
C Prins, C Prodhon, RW Calvo
4or 4, 221-238, 2006
Supply planning under uncertainties in MRP environments: A state of the art
A Dolgui, C Prodhon
Annual reviews in control 31 (2), 269-279, 2007
A GRASP× ELS approach for the capacitated location-routing problem
C Duhamel, P Lacomme, C Prins, C Prodhon
Computers & Operations Research 37 (11), 1912-1923, 2010
Solving the two-echelon location routing problem by a GRASP reinforced by a learning process and path relinking
VP Nguyen, C Prins, C Prodhon
European Journal of Operational Research 216 (1), 113-126, 2012
Models for optimization and performance evaluation of biomass supply chains: An Operations Research perspective
BH Ba, C Prins, C Prodhon
Renewable Energy 87, 977-989, 2016
Order-first split-second methods for vehicle routing problems: A review
C Prins, P Lacomme, C Prodhon
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 40, 179-200, 2014
A multi-start iterated local search with tabu list and path relinking for the two-echelon location-routing problem
VP Nguyen, C Prins, C Prodhon
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 25 (1), 56-71, 2012
A memetic algorithm with population management (MA| PM) for the capacitated location-routing problem
C Prins, C Prodhon, RW Calvo
European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial …, 2006
A matheuristic for the truck and trailer routing problem
JG Villegas, C Prins, C Prodhon, AL Medaglia, N Velasco
European Journal of Operational Research 230 (2), 231-244, 2013
A GRASP with evolutionary path relinking for the truck and trailer routing problem
JG Villegas, C Prins, C Prodhon, AL Medaglia, N Velasco
Computers & Operations Research 38 (9), 1319-1334, 2011
Hybrid heuristic for the inventory location-routing problem with deterministic demand
WJ Guerrero, C Prodhon, N Velasco, CA Amaya
International Journal of Production Economics 146 (1), 359-370, 2013
GRASP/VND and multi-start evolutionary local search for the single truck and trailer routing problem with satellite depots
JG Villegas, C Prins, C Prodhon, AL Medaglia, N Velasco
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 23 (5), 780-794, 2010
A hybrid evolutionary algorithm for the periodic location-routing problem
C Prodhon
European Journal of Operational Research 210 (2), 204-212, 2011
The electric vehicle routing problem with time windows, partial recharges and satellite customers
DL Cortés-Murcia, C Prodhon, HM Afsar
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 130, 184-206, 2019
A GRASP× ILS for the vehicle routing problem with time windows, synchronization and precedence constraints
SRA Haddadene, N Labadie, C Prodhon
Expert Systems with Applications 66, 274-294, 2016
Metaheuristics for vehicle routing problems
N Labadie, C Prins, C Prodhon
John Wiley & Sons, 2016
Variable neighborhood search to solve the vehicle routing problem for hazardous materials transportation
GA Bula, C Prodhon, FA Gonzalez, HM Afsar, N Velasco
Journal of hazardous materials 324, 472-480, 2017
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