Fabien Marche
Cited by
Cited by
Numerical resolution of well-balanced shallow water equations with complex source terms
Q Liang, F Marche
Advances in water resources 32 (6), 873-884, 2009
Derivation of a new two-dimensional viscous shallow water model with varying topography, bottom friction and capillary effects
F Marche
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 26 (1), 49-63, 2007
A splitting approach for the fully nonlinear and weakly dispersive Green–Naghdi model
P Bonneton, F Chazel, D Lannes, F Marche, M Tissier
Journal of Computational Physics 230 (4), 1479-1498, 2011
A new approach to handle wave breaking in fully non-linear Boussinesq models
M Tissier, P Bonneton, F Marche, F Chazel, D Lannes
Coastal Engineering 67, 54-66, 2012
Numerical simulation of strongly nonlinear and dispersive waves using a Green–Naghdi model
F Chazel, D Lannes, F Marche
Journal of Scientific Computing 48, 105-116, 2011
A new class of fully nonlinear and weakly dispersive Green–Naghdi models for efficient 2D simulations
D Lannes, F Marche
Journal of Computational Physics 282, 238-268, 2015
Evaluation of well‐balanced bore‐capturing schemes for 2D wetting and drying processes
F Marche, P Bonneton, P Fabrie, N Seguin
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 53 (5), 867-894, 2007
Recent advances in Serre–Green Naghdi modelling for wave transformation, breaking and runup processes
P Bonneton, E Barthélemy, F Chazel, R Cienfuegos, D Lannes, F Marche, ...
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 30 (6), 589-597, 2011
A positive preserving high order VFRoe scheme for shallow water equations: a class of relaxation schemes
C Berthon, F Marche
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 30 (5), 2587-2612, 2008
Coastal flooding of urban areas by overtopping: dynamic modelling application to the Johanna storm (2008) in Gâvres (France)
S Le Roy, R Pedreros, C André, F Paris, S Lecacheux, F Marche, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 15 (11), 2497-2510, 2015
On the well-balanced numerical discretization of shallow water equations on unstructured meshes
A Duran, Q Liang, F Marche
Journal of Computational Physics 235, 565-586, 2013
Theoretical and numerical study of shallow water models: applications to nearshore hydrodynamics
F Marche
Bordeaux 1, 2005
Large-scale vorticity generation due to dissipating waves in the surf zone
P Bonneton, N Bruneau, B Castelle, F Marche
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., Ser. B 13 (4), 729-738, 2010
Discontinuous-Galerkin discretization of a new class of Green-Naghdi equations
A Duran, F Marche
Communications in Computational Physics 17 (3), 721-760, 2015
Recent advances on the discontinuous Galerkin method for shallow water equations with topography source terms
A Duran, F Marche
Computers & Fluids 101, 88-104, 2014
A hybrid high-order method for the Cahn--Hilliard problem in mixed form
F Chave, DA Di Pietro, F Marche, F Pigeonneau
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 54 (3), 1873-1898, 2016
A discontinuous Galerkin method for a new class of Green–Naghdi equations on simplicial unstructured meshes
A Duran, F Marche
Applied Mathematical Modelling 45, 840-864, 2017
Nearshore dynamics of tsunami-like undular bores using a fully nonlinear Boussinesq model
M Tissier, P Bonneton, F Marche, F Chazel, D Lannes
Journal of Coastal Research, 603-607, 2011
An efficient scheme on wet/dry transitions for shallow water equations with friction
C Berthon, F Marche, R Turpault
Computers & fluids 48 (1), 192-201, 2011
A numerical scheme for a viscous shallow water model with friction
O Delestre, F Marche
Journal of Scientific Computing 48, 41-51, 2011
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Articles 1–20