Rodrigo Belo
Cited by
Cited by
Broadband in School: Impact on Student Performance
R Belo, P Ferreira, R Telang
Management Science 60 (2), 265-282, 2015
Target the ego or target the group: Evidence from a randomized experiment in proactive churn management
M Godinho de Matos, P Ferreira, R Belo
Marketing Science 37 (5), 793-811, 2018
Spillovers from wiring schools with broadband: the critical role of children
R Belo, P Ferreira, R Telang
Management Science 62 (12), 3450-3471, 2016
Welfare Properties of Profit Maximizing Recommender Systems: Theory and Results from a Randomized Experiment.
X Zhang, P Ferreira, M Godinho de Matos, R Belo
MIS Quarterly 45 (1), 2021
The Impact of Time-Shift TV on TV Viewership and Ad Consumption
R Belo, P Ferreira, M Godinho de Matos, F Reis
Management Science, 2017
Social referral programs for freemium platforms
R Belo, T Li
Management Science 68 (12), 8933-8962, 2022
Free-Riding in Products with Positive Network Externalities: Empirical Evidence from a Large Mobile Network.
R Belo, P Ferreira
MIS Q. 46 (1), 401-430, 2022
Effects of explicit sponsorship disclosure on user engagement in social media influencer marketing
Z Cao, R Belo
MIS Quarterly, 2024
Explainability's gain is optimality's loss? how explanations bias decision-making
C Wan, R Belo, L Zejnilovic
Proceedings of the 2022 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society, 778-787, 2022
Incentive misalignments in programmatic advertising: Evidence from a randomized field experiment
TW Frick, R Belo, R Telang
Management Science 69 (3), 1665-1686, 2023
Price discounts and peer effects in information goods: Results from an in-vivo organic randomized experiment
MG de Matos, P Ferreira, R Belo
Available at SSRN, 2015
Optimal Electricity Imbalance Pricing for the Emerging Penetration of Renewable and Low-Cost Generators
Y Ghiassi-Farrokhfal, R Belo, MR Hesamzadeh, D Bunn
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 25 (5), 1966-1983, 2023
Can Reward Uncertainty Encourage Social Referrals? Evidence from a Large-scale Field Experiment
AT Li, R Belo, T Li
The Duet of Representations and How Explanations Exacerbate It
C Wan, R Belo, L Zejnilović, S Lavado
World Conference on Explainable Artificial Intelligence, 181-197, 2023
Wifi Usage on Campus and Students Academic Performance
P Ferreira, R Belo, Y Inbar, R Turner
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Articles 1–15