Dirk Van Dierendonck
Dirk Van Dierendonck
Professor of Leadership and Management, Rotterdam School of Management
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Servant leadership: A review and synthesis
D Van Dierendonck
Journal of management 37 (4), 1228-1261, 2011
Servant leadership: A systematic review and call for future research
N Eva, M Robin, S Sendjaya, D Van Dierendonck, RC Liden
The leadership quarterly 30 (1), 111-132, 2019
The servant leadership survey: Development and validation of a multidimensional measure
D Van Dierendonck, I Nuijten
Journal of business and psychology 26, 249-267, 2011
Spanish adaptation of the psychological well-being scales (PWBS)
D Diaz, R Rodriguez-Carvajal, A Blanco, B Moreno-Jimenez, I Gallardo, ...
Psicothema 18 (3), 572-577, 2006
The construct validity of Ryff's Scales of Psychological Well-being and its extension with spiritual well-being
D Van Dierendonck
Personality and individual differences 36 (3), 629-643, 2004
Same difference? Exploring the differential mechanisms linking servant leadership and transformational leadership to follower outcomes
D Van Dierendonck, D Stam, P Boersma, N De Windt, J Alkema
The Leadership Quarterly 25 (3), 544-562, 2014
The construct validity of two burnout measures
WB Schaufeli, D Van Dierendonck
Journal of organizational behavior 14 (7), 631-647, 1993
UBOS Utrechtse Burnout Schaal: Handleiding
WB Schaufeli, D van Dierendonck
Swets Test Publishers, 2000
Patient demands, lack of reciprocity, and burnout: A five‐year longitudinal study among general practitioners
AB Bakker, WB Schaufeli, HJ Sixma, W Bosveld, D Van Dierendonck
Journal of organizational behavior 21 (4), 425-441, 2000
Leadership behavior and subordinate well-being.
D Van Dierendonck, C Haynes, C Borrill, C Stride
Journal of occupational health psychology 9 (2), 165, 2004
Compassionate love as a cornerstone of servant leadership: An integration of previous theorizing and research
D Van Dierendonck, K Patterson
Journal of Business Ethics 128, 119-131, 2015
Conflict at work and individual well‐being
CKW De Dreu, D Van Dierendonck, MTM Dijkstra
International journal of conflict management 15 (1), 6-26, 2004
Measuring spirituality as a universal human experience: A review of spirituality questionnaires
E de Jager Meezenbroek, B Garssen, M van den Berg, ...
Journal of religion and health 51, 336-354, 2012
The evaluation of an individual burnout intervention program: The role of inequity and social support.
D Van Dierendonck, WB Schaufeli, BP Buunk
Journal of applied psychology 83 (3), 392, 1998
Servant leadership and the effect of the interaction between humility, action, and hierarchical power on follower engagement
M Sousa, D Van Dierendonck
Journal of Business Ethics 141, 13-25, 2017
Cultural diversity and team performance: The role of team member goal orientation
A Nederveen Pieterse, D Van Knippenberg, D Van Dierendonck
Academy of management journal 56 (3), 782-804, 2013
Burnout and reciprocity: Towards a dual-level social exchange model
WB Schaufeli, D Dierendonck, KV Gorp
Work & Stress 10 (3), 225-237, 1996
Ryff’s six-factor model of psychological well-being, a Spanish exploration
D van Dierendonck, D Díaz, R Rodríguez-Carvajal, A Blanco, ...
Social Indicators Research 87 (3), 473-479, 2008
A cautionary note about the cross-national and clinical validity of cut-off points for the Maslach Burnout Inventory
WB Schaufeli, D Van Dierendonck
Psychological reports 76 (3_suppl), 1083-1090, 1995
Servant leadership and commitment to change, the mediating role of justice and optimism
M Kool, D van Dierendonck
Journal of Organizational Change Management 25 (3), 422-433, 2012
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