Vincent Hingot
Vincent Hingot
Sorbonne Université
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Ultrasound localization microscopy and super-resolution: A state of the art
O Couture, V Hingot, B Heiles, P Muleki-Seya, M Tanter
IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 65 …, 2018
Microvascular flow dictates the compromise between spatial resolution and acquisition time in ultrasound localization microscopy
V Hingot, C Errico, B Heiles, L Rahal, M Tanter, O Couture
Scientific reports 9 (1), 2456, 2019
Performance benchmarking of microbubble-localization algorithms for ultrasound localization microscopy
B Heiles, A Chavignon, V Hingot, P Lopez, E Teston, O Couture
Nature Biomedical Engineering 6 (5), 605-616, 2022
Ultrafast 3D Ultrasound Localization Microscopy Using a 32 32 Matrix Array
B Heiles, M Correia, V Hingot, M Pernot, J Provost, M Tanter, O Couture
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 38 (9), 2005-2015, 2019
Subwavelength motion-correction for ultrafast ultrasound localization microscopy
V Hingot, C Errico, M Tanter, O Couture
Ultrasonics 77, 17-21, 2017
3D transcranial ultrasound localization microscopy in the rat brain with a multiplexed matrix probe
A Chavignon, B Heiles, V Hingot, C Orset, D Vivien, O Couture
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 69 (7), 2132-2142, 2021
Measuring image resolution in ultrasound localization microscopy
V Hingot, A Chavignon, B Heiles, O Couture
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 40 (12), 3812-3819, 2021
Large-scale functional ultrasound imaging of the spinal cord reveals in-depth spatiotemporal responses of spinal nociceptive circuits in both normal and inflammatory states
J Claron, V Hingot, I Rivals, L Rahal, O Couture, T Deffieux, M Tanter, ...
Pain 162 (4), 1047-1059, 2021
Early Ultrafast Ultrasound Imaging of Cerebral Perfusion correlates with Ischemic Stroke outcomes and responses to treatment in Mice
V Hingot, C Brodin, F Lebrun, B Heiles, A Chagnot, M Yetim, M Gauberti, ...
Theranostics 10 (17), 7480, 2020
Ultrasound localization microscopy of the human kidney allograft on a clinical ultrasound scanner
S Bodard, L Denis, V Hingot, A Chavignon, O Hélénon, D Anglicheau, ...
Kidney International 103 (5), 930-935, 2023
Volumetric ultrasound localization microscopy of the whole rat brain microvasculature
B Heiles, A Chavignon, A Bergel, V Hingot, H Serroune, D Maresca, ...
IEEE Open Journal of Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 2 …, 2022
Sensing ultrasound localization microscopy for the visualization of glomeruli in living rats and humans
L Denis, S Bodard, V Hingot, A Chavignon, J Battaglia, G Renault, ...
EBioMedicine 91, 2023
3D transcranial ultrasound localization microscopy for discrimination between ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke in early phase
A Chavignon, V Hingot, C Orset, D Vivien, O Couture
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 14607, 2022
Circulating tPA contributes to neurovascular coupling by a mechanism involving the endothelial NMDA receptors
A Anfray, A Drieu, V Hingot, Y Hommet, M Yetim, M Rubio, T Deffieux, ...
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 40 (10), 2038-2054, 2020
Megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts is a developmental disorder of the gliovascular unit
A Gilbert, X Elorza-Vidal, A Rancillac, A Chagnot, M Yetim, V Hingot, ...
Elife 10, e71379, 2021
Subwavelength far-field ultrasound drug-delivery
V Hingot, M Bezagu, C Errico, Y Desailly, R Bocheux, M Tanter, ...
Applied Physics Letters 109 (19), 2016
Randomized channel subsampling method for efficient ultrafast ultrasound imaging
J Yu, X Guo, S Yan, Q Le, V Hingot, D Ta, O Couture, K Xu
Measurement Science and Technology 34 (8), 084005, 2023
Robust PCA-based clutter filtering method for super-resolution ultrasound localization microscopy
K Xu, X Guo, Y Sui, V Hingot, O Couture, D Ta, W Wang
2021 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 1-4, 2021
A versatile and robust microfluidic device for capillary-sized simple or multiple emulsions production
E Teston, V Hingot, V Faugeras, C Errico, M Bezagu, M Tanter, O Couture
Biomedical Microdevices 20, 1-12, 2018
Deep and Complex Vascular Anatomy in the Rat Brain Described With Ultrasound Localization Microscopy in 3D
A Chavignon, B Heiles, V Hingot, C Orset, D Vivien, O Couture
IEEE Open Journal of Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 3 …, 2023
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