Yannick Loiseau
Yannick Loiseau
Université Clermont Auvergne
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Rank-ordering documents according to their relevance in information retrieval using refinements of ordered-weighted aggregations
M Boughanem, Y Loiseau, H Prade
International Workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval, 44-54, 2005
Qualitative pattern matching with linguistic terms
Y Loiseau, H Prade, M Boughanem
AI Communications 17 (1), 25-34, 2004
Fuzzy logic and ontology-based information retrieval
M Baziz, M Boughanem, Y Loiseau, H Prade
Fuzzy Logic, 193-218, 2007
Refining aggregation functions for improving document ranking in information retrieval
M Boughanem, Y Loiseau, H Prade
Scalable Uncertainty Management, 255-267, 2007
Evaluation of term-based queries using possibilistic ontologies
Y Loiseau, M Boughanem, H Prade
Soft Computing in Web Information Retrieval, 135-160, 2006
Towards a Decoupled Context-Oriented Programming Language for the Internet of Things
B Maingret, F Le Mouël, J Ponge, N Stouls, J Cao, Y Loiseau
Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Context-Oriented Programming, 7, 2015
A closed sets based learning classifier for implicit authentication in web browsing
D Dia, G Kahn, F Labernia, Y Loiseau, O Raynaud
Discrete Applied Mathematics 273, 65-80, 2020
Etude de différentes fonctions de fusion de systèmes de recherche d’information
G Hubert, Y Loiseau, J Mothe
Le document numérique dans le monde de la science et de la recherche (CIDE …, 2007
Improving Document Ranking in Information Retrieval Using Ordered Weighted Aggregation and Leximin Refinement.
M Boughanem, Y Loiseau, H Prade
EUSFLAT Conf., 1269-1274, 2005
Recherche flexible d’information par filtrage flou qualitatif
Y Loiseau
Graded pattern matching in a multilingual context
M Boughanem, Y Loiseau, H Prade
Proc. 7th Meeting Euro Working Group on Fuzzy Sets, 121-126, 2002
A Tool for Classification of Sequential Data.
G Kahn, Y Loiseau, O Raynaud
FCA4AI@ ECAI, 97-104, 2016
Using closed itemsets for implicit user authentication in web browsing
O Coupelon, D Dia, F Labernia, Y Loiseau, O Raynaud
Eleventh International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications …, 2014
Suis-je celui que je prétends être?
D Dia, O Coupelon, Y Loiseau, O Raynaud
IC-25èmes Journées francophones d'Ingénierie des Connaissances, 271-273, 2014
Eclipse Golo
J Ponge, Y Loiseau, F Le Mouël, N Stouls, P Charrière, D Petisme, ...
Journal of Open Source Software 1 (8), 93, 2016
Opportunities for a Truffle-based Golo Interpreter
J Ponge, FL Mouël, N Stouls, Y Loiseau
arXiv preprint arXiv:1505.06003, 2015
Am I Really Who I Claim to Be?
O Coupelon, D Dia, Y Loiseau, O Raynaud
New Contributions in Information Systems and Technologies, 613-616, 2015
Fermés fréquents pour l’authentification implicite appliquée à la navigation Web
O Coupelon, D Dia, F Labernia, Y Loiseau, O Raynaud
Using Closed Itemsets for Implicit User Authentication in Web Browsing
O Raynaud, Y Loiseau, D Dia, O Coupelon, F Labernia
Refinements of Ordered-Weighted Aggregations
M Boughanem, Y Loiseau, H Prade
Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval:... International Workshop, AMR...: Revised …, 2005
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Articles 1–20