Michel De Paepe
Michel De Paepe
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Review of organic Rankine cycle (ORC) architectures for waste heat recovery
S Lecompte, H Huisseune, M Van Den Broek, B Vanslambrouck, ...
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 47, 448-461, 2015
Micro-CHP systems for residential applications
M De Paepe, P D’Herdt, D Mertens
Energy conversion and management 47 (18-19), 3435-3446, 2006
Potential of zeotropic mixtures as working fluids in organic Rankine cycles
M Chys, M van den Broek, B Vanslambrouck, M De Paepe
Energy 44 (1), 623-632, 2012
Thermo-hydraulic design of earth-air heat exchangers
M De Paepe, A Janssens
Energy and buildings 35 (4), 389-397, 2003
Part load based thermo-economic optimization of the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) applied to a combined heat and power (CHP) system
S Lecompte, H Huisseune, M Van den Broek, S De Schampheleire, ...
Applied Energy 111, 871-881, 2013
Exergy analysis of zeotropic mixtures as working fluids in Organic Rankine Cycles
S Lecompte, B Ameel, D Ziviani, M van den Broek, M De Paepe
Energy Conversion and Management 85, 727-739, 2014
Thermodynamic analysis of energy storage with a liquid air Rankine cycle
B Ameel, C T'Joen, K De Kerpel, P De Jaeger, H Huisseune, ...
Applied Thermal Engineering 52 (1), 130-140, 2013
Thermo-hydraulic study of a single row heat exchanger consisting of metal foam covered round tubes
C T’Joen, P De Jaeger, H Huisseune, S Van Herzeele, N Vorst, ...
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 53 (15-16), 3262-3274, 2010
Coupled simulation of heat and moisture transport in air and porous materials for the assessment of moisture related damage
HJ Steeman, M Van Belleghem, A Janssens, M De Paepe
Building and Environment 44 (10), 2176-2184, 2009
Performance enhancement of a louvered fin heat exchanger by using delta winglet vortex generators
H Huisseune, C T’joen, P De Jaeger, B Ameel, S De Schampheleire, ...
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 56 (1-2), 475-487, 2013
Corrosion and corrosion prevention in heat exchangers
W Faes, S Lecompte, ZY Ahmed, J Van Bael, R Salenbien, K Verbeken, ...
Corrosion reviews 37 (2), 131-155, 2019
Comparison of metal foam heat exchangers to a finned heat exchanger for low Reynolds number applications
H Huisseune, S De Schampheleire, B Ameel, M De Paepe
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 89, 1-9, 2015
Characterizing the performance of a single-screw expander in a small-scale organic Rankine cycle for waste heat recovery
D Ziviani, S Gusev, S Lecompte, EA Groll, JE Braun, WT Horton, ...
Applied Energy 181, 155-170, 2016
Recommendations for the new WLTP cycle based on an analysis of vehicle emission measurements on NEDC and CADC
J Demuynck, D Bosteels, M De Paepe, C Favre, J May, S Verhelst
Energy Policy 49, 234-242, 2012
On coupling 1D non-isothermal heat and mass transfer in porous materials with a multizone building energy simulation model
M Steeman, A Janssens, HJ Steeman, M Van Belleghem, M De Paepe
Building and Environment 45 (4), 865-877, 2010
Chronostratigraphy of the 600,000 year old continental record of Lake Van (Turkey)
M Stockhecke, O Kwiecien, L Vigliotti, FS Anselmetti, J Beer, MN Çağatay, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 104, 8-17, 2014
Assessing the influence of four bonding methods on the thermal contact resistance of open-cell aluminum foam
P De Jaeger, C T’Joen, H Huisseune, B Ameel, S De Schampheleire, ...
International journal of heat and mass transfer 55 (21-22), 6200-6210, 2012
An experimentally validated and parameterized periodic unit-cell reconstruction of open-cell foams
P De Jaeger, C T’Joen, H Huisseune, B Ameel, M De Paepe
Journal of Applied Physics 109 (10), 2011
Modelling indoor air and hygrothermal wall interaction in building simulation: Comparison between CFD and a well-mixed zonal model
HJ Steeman, A Janssens, J Carmeliet, M De Paepe
Building and environment 44 (3), 572-583, 2009
Raising cycle efficiency by intercooling in air-cooled gas turbines
H Canière, A Willockx, E Dick, M De Paepe
Applied Thermal Engineering 26 (16), 1780-1787, 2006
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