Valerie Shalin
Valerie Shalin
Professor of Psychology, Wright State University
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Cognitive task analysis
JM Schraagen, SF Chipman, VL Shalin
Psychology Press, 2000
Introduction to cognitive task analysis
SF Chipman, JM Schraagen, VL Shalin
Cognitive task analysis, 3-23, 2000
Identifying seekers and suppliers in social media communities to support crisis coordination
H Purohit, A Hampton, S Bhatt, VL Shalin, AP Sheth, JM Flach
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 23 (4), 513-545, 2014
What kind of# conversation is Twitter? Mining# psycholinguistic cues for emergency coordination
H Purohit, A Hampton, VL Shalin, AP Sheth, J Flach, S Bhatt
Computers in Human Behavior 29 (6), 2438-2447, 2013
Defining and detecting toxicity on social media: context and knowledge are key
A Sheth, VL Shalin, U Kursuncu
Neurocomputing 490, 312-318, 2022
Everyday expertise: cognitive demands in diabetes self-management
KD Lippa, HA Klein, VL Shalin
Human Factors 50 (1), 112-120, 2008
Intent classification of short-text on social media
H Purohit, G Dong, V Shalin, K Thirunarayan, A Sheth
2015 ieee international conference on smart city/socialcom/sustaincom …, 2015
A quality type-aware annotated corpus and lexicon for harassment research
M Rezvan, S Shekarpour, L Balasuriya, K Thirunarayan, VL Shalin, ...
Proceedings of the 10th acm conference on web science, 33-36, 2018
Modeling islamist extremist communications on social media using contextual dimensions: religion, ideology, and hate
U Kursuncu, M Gaur, C Castillo, A Alambo, K Thirunarayan, V Shalin, ...
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 3 (CSCW), 1-22, 2019
Location name extraction from targeted text streams using gazetteer-based statistical language models
HS Al-Olimat, K Thirunarayan, V Shalin, A Sheth
arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.03105, 2017
The impact of medical record technologies on collaboration in emergency medicine
MA Feufel, FE Robinson, VL Shalin
International Journal of Medical Informatics 80 (8), e85-e95, 2011
Effectiveness of expert semantic knowledge as a navigational aid within hypertext
SC Patel, CC Drury, VL Shalin
Behaviour & Information Technology 17 (6), 313-324, 1998
The impact of job knowledge in the cognitive ability-performance relationship
MV Palumbo, CE Miller, VL Shalin, D Steele-Johnson
Applied HRM Research 10 (1), 13-20, 2005
A cognitive perspective on manual assembly
VL Shalin, GV Prabhu, MG Helander
Ergonomics 39 (1), 108-127, 1996
Gender-based violence in 140 characters or fewer: A# BigData case study of Twitter
H Purohit, T Banerjee, A Hampton, VL Shalin, N Bhandutia, AP Sheth
arXiv preprint arXiv:1503.02086, 2015
Alone: A dataset for toxic behavior among adolescents on twitter
T Wijesiriwardene, H Inan, U Kursuncu, M Gaur, VL Shalin, ...
Social Informatics: 12th International Conference, SocInfo 2020, Pisa, Italy …, 2020
Describing job expertise using cognitively oriented task analyses (COTA)
D DuBois, VL Shalin
Cognitive task analysis, 41-55, 2000
Navigating the decision space: shared medical decision making as distributed cognition
KD Lippa, MA Feufel, FE Robinson, VL Shalin
Qualitative Health Research 27 (7), 1035-1048, 2017
A formal analysis of machine learning systems for knowledge acquisition
VL Shalin, EJ Wisniewski, KR Levi, PD Scott
International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 29 (4), 429-446, 1988
Expertise in dynamic, physical task domains
VL Shalin, ND Geddes, D Bertram, MA Szczepkowski, D DuBois
Expertise in context: Human and machine, 195-217, 1997
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Articles 1–20