Performance indicators in multiobjective optimization C Audet, J Bigeon, D Cartier, S Le Digabel, L Salomon European journal of operational research 292 (2), 397-422, 2021 | 452 | 2021 |
Particle swarm optimization for solving engineering problems: a new constraint-handling mechanism I Mazhoud, K Hadj-Hamou, J Bigeon, P Joyeux Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 26 (4), 1263-1273, 2013 | 138 | 2013 |
A methodology and a tool for the computer aided design with constraints of electrical devices F Wurtz, J Bigeon, C Poirson IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 32 (3), 1429-1432, 1996 | 89 | 1996 |
An ‘upwind’finite element method for electromagnetic field problems in moving media SY Hahn, J Bigeon, JC Sabonnadiere International journal for numerical methods in engineering 24 (11), 2071-2086, 1987 | 56 | 1987 |
A few results for using genetic algorithms in the design of electrical machines F Wurtz, M Richomme, J Bigeon, JC Sabonnadiere IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 33 (2), 1892-1895, 2002 | 46 | 2002 |
Finite element analysis of an electromagnetic brake J Bigeon, J Sabonnadiere, JL Coulomb IEEE Transactions on magnetics 19 (6), 2632-2634, 1983 | 38 | 1983 |
A methodology for the sizing and the optimization of an electromagnetic release E Atienza, M Perrault, F Wurtz, V Mazauric, J Bigeon IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 36 (4), 1659-1663, 2000 | 37 | 2000 |
A virtual fixture using a FE-based transformation model embedded into a constrained optimization for the dimensional inspection of nonrigid parts GN Abenhaim, A Desrochers, AS Tahan, J Bigeon Computer-Aided Design 62, 248-258, 2015 | 31 | 2015 |
Steps to an electrical design environment E Atienza, J Bigeon, F Wurtz, B Belhabib IECON'99. Conference Proceedings. 25th Annual Conference of the IEEE …, 1999 | 22 | 1999 |
Application of a new optimization approach to the design of electrical wheels C Espanet, JM Kauffmann, F Wurtz, J Bigeon IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 14 (4), 952-958, 1999 | 21 | 1999 |
DMulti-MADS: Mesh adaptive direct multisearch for bound-constrained blackbox multiobjective optimization J Bigeon, S Le Digabel, L Salomon Computational Optimization and Applications 79 (2), 301-338, 2021 | 18 | 2021 |
A comparative study of two methods for constrained optimisation with analytical models dealing with implicit parameters C Coutel, F Wurtz, J Bigeon IEEE transactions on magnetics 35 (3), 1738-1741, 1999 | 18 | 1999 |
New modelling methodology for different PM motors for electric and hybrid vehicles A Fonseca, C Chillet, E Atienza, AL Bui-Van, J Bigeon IEMDC 2001. IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference (Cat …, 2001 | 17 | 2001 |
Modular approach to describe electromechanical systems-using Macsyma to generate global approach simulation software L Gerbaud, J Bigeon, G Champenois PESC'92 Record. 23rd Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference …, 1992 | 17 | 1992 |
Integration of fuzzy techniques in a CAD/CAM system F Francois, J Bigeon IEEE transactions on magnetics 31 (3), 1996-1999, 1995 | 16 | 1995 |
A new generic problem formulation dedicated to electrified railway systems B Desjouis, G Remy, F Ossart, C Marchand, J Bigeon, E Sourdille 2015 International Conference on Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway …, 2015 | 15 | 2015 |
Methodological guidelines for the use of analytical and numerical models in a design process of an electromagnetic device F Wurtz, J Bigeon, JL Coulomb, C Espanel, JM Kauffmann IEEE transactions on magnetics 34 (5), 3411-3414, 1998 | 15 | 1998 |
Interval-based global optimization in engineering using model reformulation and constraint propagation I Mazhoud, K Hadj-Hamou, J Bigeon, G Remy Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 25 (2), 404-417, 2012 | 14 | 2012 |
The electromagnetic actuator design problem: An adapted interval global optimization algorithm I Mazhoud, K Hadj-Hamou, J Bigeon, G Remy IEEE Transactions on magnetics 48 (2), 387-390, 2012 | 13 | 2012 |
An expert system as a guide for information synthesis and decision making in the restoration of power system after a blackout PH Darnault, J Fandino, J Bigeon, J Sabonnadiere, E Mondon, ... Proceedings of the Second Symposium on Expert System Applications to Power …, 1989 | 11 | 1989 |