Philippe Robutel
Philippe Robutel
IMCCE / Observatoire de Paris
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A long-term numerical solution for the insolation quantities of the Earth
J Laskar, P Robutel, F Joutel, M Gastineau, ACM Correia, B Levrard
Astronomy & Astrophysics 428 (1), 261-285, 2004
Long term evolution and chaotic diffusion of the insolation quantities of Mars
J Laskar, ACM Correia, M Gastineau, F Joutel, B Levrard, P Robutel
Icarus 170 (2), 343-364, 2004
The chaotic obliquity of the planets
J Laskar, P Robutel
Nature 361 (6413), 608-612, 1993
Stabilization of the Earth's obliquity by the Moon
J Laskar, F Joutel, P Robutel
Nature 361 (6413), 615-617, 1993
High order symplectic integrators for perturbed Hamiltonian systems
J Laskar, P Robutel
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 80, 39-62, 2001
Stability of the planetary three-body problem: I. Expansion of the planetary Hamiltonian
J Laskar, P Robutel
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 62, 193-217, 1995
Six transiting planets and a chain of Laplace resonances in TOI-178
A Leleu, Y Alibert, NC Hara, MJ Hooton, TG Wilson, P Robutel, JB Delisle, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 649, A26, 2021
Frequency Map and Global Dynamics in the Solar System I: Short period dynamics of massless particles
P Robutel, J Laskar
Icarus 152 (1), 4-28, 2001
The resonant structure of Jupiter's Trojan asteroids–I. Long-term stability and diffusion
P Robutel, F Gabern
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 372 (4), 1463-1482, 2006
Stability of the planetary three-body problem: II. Kam theory and existence of quasiperiodic motions
P Robutel
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 62, 219-261, 1995
Planetary system LHS 1140 revisited with ESPRESSO and TESS
J Lillo-Box, P Figueira, A Leleu, L Acuña, JP Faria, N Hara, NC Santos, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 642, A121, 2020
Partial reduction in the n-body planetary problem using the angular momentum integral
F Malige, P Robutel, J Laskar
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 84 (3), 283-316, 2002
The observed Trojans and the global dynamics around the Lagrangian points of the Sun-Jupiter system
P Robutel, F Gabern, A Jorba
A Comparison of the Dynamical Evolution of Planetary Systems: Proceedings of …, 2005
Frozen orbits at high eccentricity and inclination: application to Mercury orbiter
N Delsate, P Robutel, A Lemaître, T Carletti
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 108, 275-300, 2010
Dieu dans la cité: dynamiques religieuses en millieu urbain ouagalais
R Otayek
Centre d'étude d'Afrique noire, 1999
On the co-orbital motion of two planets in quasi-circular orbits
P Robutel, A Pousse
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 117, 17-40, 2013
The TROY project: Searching for co-orbital bodies to known planets-I. Project goals and first results from archival radial velocity
J Lillo-Box, D Barrado, P Figueira, A Leleu, NC Santos, ACM Correia, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 609, A96, 2018
On the co-orbital motion in the planar restricted three-body problem: the quasi-satellite motion revisited
A Pousse, P Robutel, A Vienne
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 128, 383-407, 2017
The influence of giant planets near a mean motion resonance on Earth-like planets in the habitable zone of sun-like stars
E Pilat-Lohinger, Á Süli, P Robutel, F Freistetter
The Astrophysical Journal 681 (2), 1639, 2008
Co-orbital exoplanets from close-period candidates: the TOI-178 case
A Leleu, J Lillo-Box, M Sestovic, P Robutel, ACM Correia, N Hara, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 624, A46, 2019
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