Peter Martinsson
Peter Martinsson
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Do hypothetical and actual marginal willingness to pay differ in choice experiments?: Application to the valuation of the environment
F Carlsson, P Martinsson
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 41 (2), 179-192, 2001
Using choice experiments for non-market valuation
F Alpizar, F Carlsson, P Martinsson
Working papers in economics/Göteborg University, Dept. of Economics; no. 52, 2001
Design techniques for stated preference methods in health economics
F Carlsson, P Martinsson
Health economics 12 (4), 281-294, 2003
Do you enjoy having more than others? Survey evidence of positional goods
F Carlsson, O Johansson‐Stenman, P Martinsson
Economica 74 (296), 586-598, 2007
Common components of risk and uncertainty attitudes across contexts and domains: Evidence from 30 countries
FM Vieider, M Lefebvre, R Bouchouicha, T Chmura, R Hakimov, ...
Journal of the European Economic Association 13 (3), 421-452, 2015
Life satisfaction and air quality in Europe
S Ferreira, A Akay, F Brereton, J Cuñado, P Martinsson, M Moro, ...
Ecological economics 88, 1-10, 2013
Honestly, why are you driving a BMW?
O Johansson-Stenman, P Martinsson
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 60 (2), 129-146, 2006
Does it matter when a power outage occurs?—A choice experiment study on the willingness to pay to avoid power outages
F Carlsson, P Martinsson
Energy economics 30 (3), 1232-1245, 2008
Trust and religion: Experimental evidence from rural Bangladesh
O Johansson‐Stenman, M Mahmud, P Martinsson
Economica 76 (303), 462-485, 2009
Health insurance and treatment seeking behaviour: evidence from a low‐income country
M Jowett, A Deolalikar, P Martinsson
Health economics 13 (9), 845-857, 2004
Willingness to pay among Swedish households to avoid power outages: a random parameter Tobit model approach
F Carlsson, P Martinsson
The Energy Journal 28 (1), 75-90, 2007
Ostracism and the provision of a public good: experimental evidence
FP Maier-Rigaud, P Martinsson, G Staffiero
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 73 (3), 387-395, 2010
Does stake size matter in trust games?
O Johansson-Stenman, M Mahmud, P Martinsson
Economics letters 88 (3), 365-369, 2005
Easy come, easy go: The role of windfall money in lab and field experiments
F Carlsson, H He, P Martinsson
Experimental Economics 16, 190-207, 2013
How much is too much? An investigation of the effect of the number of choice sets, context dependence and the choice of bid vectors in choice experiments
F Carlsson, P Martinsson
Environmental and Resource Economics 40, 165-176, 2008
Are experienced people affected by a pre-set default option—Results from a field experiment
Å Löfgren, P Martinsson, M Hennlock, T Sterner
Journal of Environmental Economics and management 63 (1), 66-72, 2012
Household decision making in rural China: Using experiments to estimate the influences of spouses
F Carlsson, H He, P Martinsson, P Qin, M Sutter
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 84 (2), 525-536, 2012
Are commercial fishers risk-lovers?
H Eggert, P Martinsson
Land Economics 80 (4), 550-560, 2004
Does stake size matter for cooperation and punishment?
MG Kocher, P Martinsson, M Visser
Economics Letters 99 (3), 508-511, 2008
Reconciling pro-social vs. selfish behavior: On the role of self-control
P Martinsson, KOR Myrseth, C Wollbrant
Judgment and Decision making 7 (3), 304-315, 2012
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