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Application of Dempster-Shafer evidence theory to unsupervised classification in multisource remote sensing
S Le Hegarat-Mascle, I Bloch, D Vidal-Madjar
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 35 (4), 1018-1031, 1997
Estimation of watershed soil moisture index from ERS/SAR data
A Quesney, S Le Hégarat-Mascle, O Taconet, D Vidal-Madjar, ...
Remote sensing of environment 72 (3), 290-303, 2000
Soil moisture estimation from ERS/SAR data: Toward an operational methodology
S Le Hégarat-Mascle, M Zribi, F Alem, A Weisse, C Loumagne
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 40 (12), 2647-2658, 2002
Backscattering behavior and simulation comparison over bare soils using SIR-C/X-SAR and ERASME 1994 data over Orgeval
M Zribi, O Taconet, S Le Hégarat-Mascle, D Vidal-Madjar, C Emblanch, ...
Remote sensing of environment 59 (2), 256-266, 1997
Introduction of neighborhood information in evidence theory and application to data fusion of radar and optical images with partial cloud cover
S Le Hégarat-Mascle, I Bloch, D Vidal-Madjar
Pattern recognition 31 (11), 1811-1823, 1998
Use of Markov random fields for automatic cloud/shadow detection on high resolution optical images
S Le Hégarat-Mascle, C André
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 64 (4), 351-366, 2009
Automatic change detection by evidential fusion of change indices
S Le Hégarat-Mascle, R Seltz
Remote Sensing of Environment 91 (3-4), 390-404, 2004
An a-contrario approach for subpixel change detection in satellite imagery
A Robin, L Moisan, S Le Hégarat-Mascle
IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 32 (11), 1977 …, 2010
Land cover discrimination from multitemporal ERS images and multispectral Landsat images: a study case in an agricultural area in France
S Le Hegarat-Mascle, A Quesney, D Vidal-Madjar, O Taconet, ...
International Journal of Remote Sensing 21 (3), 435-456, 2000
Surface soil moisture estimation from the synergistic use of the (multi-incidence and multi-resolution) active microwave ERS Wind Scatterometer and SAR data
M Zribi, S Le Hégarat-Mascle, C Ottlé, B Kammoun, C Guerin
Remote sensing of environment 86 (1), 30-41, 2003
Derivation of wild vegetation cover density in semi-arid regions: ERS2/SAR evaluation
M Zribi, S Le Hégarat-Mascle, O Taconet, V Ciarletti, D Vidal-Madjar, ...
International Journal of Remote Sensing 24 (6), 1335-1352, 2003
Multi-scale data fusion using Dempster-Shafer evidence theory
L Hégarat-Mascle, D Richard, C Ottlé
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering 10 (1), 9-22, 2003
Surface and aerodynamic roughness in arid and semiarid areas and their relation to radar backscatter coefficient
B Marticorena, M Kardous, G Bergametti, Y Callot, P Chazette, H Khatteli, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 111 (F3), 2006
Determination of vegetation cover fraction by inversion of a four-parameter model based on isoline parametrization
A Kallel, S Le Hégarat-Mascle, C Ottle, L Hubert-Moy
Remote Sensing of Environment 111 (4), 553-566, 2007
Land cover change detection at coarse spatial scales based on iterative estimation and previous state information
S Le Hégarat-Mascle, C Ottlé, C Guerin
Remote Sensing of Environment 95 (4), 464-479, 2005
Ant colony optimization for image regularization based on a nonstationary Markov modeling
S Le Hégarat-Mascle, A Kallel, X Descombes
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 16 (3), 865-878, 2007
Application of ant colony optimization to adaptive routing in a LEO telecommunications satellite network
E Sigel, B Denby, S Le Hégarat-Mascle
Annales des télécommunications 57 (5/6), 520-539, 2002
Evidential query-by-committee active learning for pedestrian detection in high-density crowds
J Vandoni, E Aldea, S Le Hégarat-Mascle
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 104, 166-184, 2019
Performance of change detection using remotely sensed data and evidential fusion: Comparison of three cases of application
S Le Hegarat‐Mascle, R Seltz, L Hubert‐Moy, S Corgne, N Stach
International Journal of Remote Sensing 27 (16), 3515-3532, 2006
Robust crack detection for unmanned aerial vehicles inspection in an a-contrario decision framework
E Aldea, S Le Hégarat-Mascle
Journal of Electronic Imaging 24 (6), 061119-061119, 2015
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Articles 1–20