Guillaume Trehard
Guillaume Trehard
PhD Student, INRIA
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Cited by
Real-time dynamic object detection for autonomous driving using prior 3d-maps
B Ravi Kiran, L Roldao, B Irastorza, R Verastegui, S Suss, S Yogamani, ...
Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) Workshops, 0-0, 2018
Tracking both pose and status of a traffic light via an interacting multiple model filter
G Trehard, E Pollard, B Bradai, F Nashashibi
17th international conference on information fusion (FUSION), 1-7, 2014
On line mapping and global positioning for autonomous driving in urban environment based on evidential SLAM
G Trehard, E Pollard, B Bradai, F Nashashibi
2015 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 814-819, 2015
Credibilist simultaneous localization and mapping with a lidar
G Trehard, Z Alsayed, E Pollard, B Bradai, F Nashashibi
2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2014
Operational context-based design method of autonomous vehicles logical architectures
Y Damak, Y Leroy, G Trehard, M Jankovic
2020 IEEE 15th International Conference of System of Systems Engineering …, 2020
Indoor pedestrian localisation solution based on anemometry sensor integration with a smartphone
G Trehard, M Boukallel, S Lamy-Perbal
2012 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation …, 2012
Indoor infrastructure-less solution based on sensor augmented smartphone for pedestrian localisation
G Trehard, S Lamy-Perbal, M Boukallel
2012 Ubiquitous Positioning, Indoor Navigation, and Location Based Service …, 2012
Portable Device And Method For The Geolocation And Continuous Location Of An Object Moving In A Constrained Environment
M Boukallel, F Periquet, G Trehard
US Patent App. 14/234,376, 2015
Credibilist slam performances with different laser set-ups
G Trehard, E Pollard, B Bradai, F Nashashibi
2014 13th International Conference on Control Automation Robotics & Vision …, 2014
Operational context change propagation prediction on autonomous vehicles architectures
Y Damak, Y Leroy, G Trehard, M Jankovic
Journal of Autonomous Vehicles and Systems 1 (3), 031001, 2021
Location and mapping device and method
G Trehard, E Pollard, F Nashashibi, B Bradai
US Patent 10,379,542, 2019
Intelligent vehicles: integration and issues
Z Alsayed, G Bresson, P Merdrignac, P Morignot, F Nashashibi, E Pollard, ...
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Articles 1–12