André Landi
André Landi
Master's Degree student, UFSCar (Federal University of São Carlos)
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Cited by
Towards the characterization of monitor smells in adaptive systems
MA Serikawa, AS Landi, BR Siqueira, RS Costa, FC Ferrari, R Menotti, ...
2016 X Brazilian Symposium on Software Components, Architectures and Reuse …, 2016
Evaluating the extension mechanisms of the knowledge discovery metamodel for aspect-oriented modernizations
BM Santos, AS Landi, DS Santibanez, RS Durelli, VV de Camargo
Journal of Systems and Software 149, 285-304, 2019
Supporting the specification and serialization of planned architectures in architecture-driven modernization context
AS Landi, F Chagas, BM Santos, RS Costa, R Durelli, R Terra, ...
2017 IEEE 41st annual computer software and applications conference (COMPSAC …, 2017
Architectural conformance checking for KDM-represented systems
AS Landi, D San Martín, BM Santos, WS Cunha, RS Durelli, VV Camargo
Journal of Systems and Software 183, 111116, 2022
The Journal of Systems & Software
P Rani, A Blasi, N Stulova, S Panichella, A Gorla, O Nierstrasz
SARA MR: Uma Arquitetura de Referência para Facilitar Manutençoes em Sistemas Robóticos Autoadaptativos
MH de Paula, MA Serikawa, AS Landi, BM Santos, RS Costa, ...
Sociedade Brasileira de Computação–SBC, 81, 2016
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Articles 1–6