Substitutions in dynamics, arithmetics and combinatorics NP Fogg, V Berthé, S Ferenczi, C Mauduit, A Siegel
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2002
1053 2002 Combinatorics, automata and number theory V Berthé, M Rigo
Cambridge University Press, 2010
254 2010 Three distance theorems and combinatorics on words P Alessandri, V Berthé
Enseignement Mathématique 44, 103-132, 1998
183 1998 Tilings associated with beta-numeration and substitutions V Berthé, A Siegel
Integers 5 (3), A2, 2005
138 2005 Tilings and rotations on the torus: a two-dimensional generalization of Sturmian sequences V Berthé, L Vuillon
Discrete Mathematics 223 (1-3), 27-53, 2000
127 2000 Dynamical directions in numeration G Barat, V Berthé, P Liardet, J Thuswaldner
Annales de l'institut Fourier 56 (7), 1987-2092, 2006
107 2006 Beyond substitutive dynamical systems: S-adic expansions V Berthé, V Delecroix
arXiv preprint arXiv:1309.3960, 2013
100 2013 Initial powers of Sturmian sequences V Berthé, C Holton, LQ Zamboni
93 2006 Discrete planes, -actions, Jacobi-Perron algorithm and substitutions P Arnoux, V Berthé, S Ito
Annales de l'institut Fourier 52 (2), 305-349, 2002
82 2002 On an involution of Christoffel words and Sturmian morphisms V Berthé, A De Luca, C Reutenauer
European Journal of Combinatorics 29 (2), 535-553, 2008
81 2008 On the Pisot substitution conjecture S Akiyama, M Barge, V Berthé, JY Lee, A Siegel
Mathematics of aperiodic order, 33-72, 2015
78 2015 Fréquences des facteurs des suites sturmiennes V Berthé
Theoretical computer science 165 (2), 295-309, 1996
75 1996 Recognizability for sequences of morphisms V Berthé, W Steiner, JM Thuswaldner, R Yassawi
Ergodic theory and dynamical systems 39 (11), 2896-2931, 2019
73 2019 On continued fraction expansions in positive characteristic: equivalence relations and some metric properties V Berthé, H Nakada
Expo. Math 18 (4), 257-284, 2000
71 2000 Acyclic, connected and tree sets V Berthé, C De Felice, F Dolce, J Leroy, D Perrin, C Reutenauer, ...
Monatshefte für Mathematik 176 (4), 521-550, 2015
67 2015 Autour du système de numération d'Ostrowski V Berthé
Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society-Simon Stevin 8 (2), 209-239, 2001
62 2001 Interactions between dynamics, arithmetics and combinatorics: the good, the bad, and the ugly V Berthé, S Ferenczi, LQ Zamboni
Contemporary Mathematics 385, 333, 2005
60 2005 Two-dimensional iterated morphisms and discrete planes P Arnoux, V Berthé, A Siegel
Theoretical Computer Science 319 (1-3), 145-176, 2004
54 2004 Tilings, quasicrystals, discrete planes, generalized substitutions, and multidimensional continued fractions P Arnoux, V Berthé, H Ei, S Ito
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science, 2001
53 2001 Purely periodic β-expansions in the Pisot non-unit case V Berthe, A Siegel
Journal of Number Theory 127 (2), 153-172, 2007
50 2007