Björn Hammarfelt
Björn Hammarfelt
Professor, Swedish School of Library and Information Science (SSLIS), University of Borås
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Cited by
Evaluation practices and effects of indicator use—a literature review
S Rijcke, PF Wouters, AD Rushforth, TP Franssen, B Hammarfelt
Research evaluation 25 (2), 161-169, 2016
Using altmetrics for assessing research impact in the humanities
B Hammarfelt
Scientometrics 101 (2), 1419-1430, 2014
Accountability in context: effects of research evaluation systems on publication practices, disciplinary norms, and individual working routines in the faculty of Arts at …
B Hammarfelt, S de Rijcke
Research Evaluation, 63-77, 2015
Referencing in the humanities and its implications for citation analysis
B Hellqvist
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 61 (2 …, 2010
Indicators as judgment devices: An empirical study of citizen bibliometrics in research evaluation
B Hammarfelt, AD Rushforth
Research Evaluation 26 (3), 169-180, 2017
Interdisciplinarity and the intellectual base of literature studies: Citation analysis of highly cited monographs
B Hammarfelt
Scientometrics 86 (3), 705-725, 2011
The structure of the Arts & Humanities Citation Index: A mapping on the basis of aggregated citations among 1,157 journals
L Leydesdorff, B Hammarfelt, A Salah
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 62 …, 2011
The heterogeneous landscape of bibliometric indicators: Evaluating models for allocating resources at Swedish universities
B Hammarfelt, G Nelhans, P Eklund, F Åström
Research Evaluation 25 (3), 292-305, 2016
Beyond coverage: Toward a bibliometrics for the humanities
B Hammarfelt
Research assessment in the humanities: Towards criteria and procedures, 115-131, 2016
Quantified academic selves: The gamification of research through social networking services.
B Hammarfelt, S de Rijcke, AD Rushforth
Information Research: An International Electronic Journal 21 (2), n2, 2016
Conflicting measures and values: How humanities scholars in Australia and Sweden use and react to bibliometric indicators
B Hammarfelt, G Haddow
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 69 (7 …, 2018
Recognition and reward in the academy: Valuing publication oeuvres in biomedicine, economics and history
B Hammarfelt
Aslib Journal of Information Management 69 (5), 607-623, 2017
From eminent men to excellent universities: University rankings as calculative devices
B Hammarfelt, S De Rijcke, P Wouters
Minerva 55 (4), 391-411, 2017
Price revisited: on the growth of dissertations in eight research fields
JP Andersen, B Hammarfelt
Scientometrics 88 (2), 371-383, 2011
The many faces of practice theory in library and information studies
O Pilerot, B Hammarfelt, C Moring
University of Borås, 2017
B Hammarfelt
ISKO encyclopedia of knowledge organization, 2019
Following the footnotes: A bibliometric analysis of citation patterns in literary studies
B Hammarfelt
Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2012
Quantified academic selves: The gamification of science through social networking services
BMS Hammarfelt, S Rijcke, AD Rushforth
Information research 21 (2), eSM1, 2016
Quality, impact, and quantification: Indicators and metrics use by social scientists
G Haddow, B Hammarfelt
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 70 (1), 16-26, 2019
Temporality in academic evaluation:‘Trajectoral thinking’in the assessment of biomedical researchers
B Hammarfelt, AD Rushforth, S De Rijcke
Valuation Studies 7 (1), 33-33, 2020
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Articles 1–20