Kateřina Slaninová
Cited by
Cited by
Computational Intelligence Methods for Data Analysis and Mining of Elearning Activities
P Dráždilová, G Obadi, K Slaninová, S Al-Dubaee, J Martinovič, V Snášel
Computational Intelligence for Technology Enhanced Learning, 195-224, 2010
Control Loop Model of Virtual Company in BPM Simulation
R Šperka, M Spišák, K Slaninová, J Martinovič, P Dráždilová
Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications, 515-524, 2013
Analysis of Social Networks Extracted from Log Files
K Slaninová, J Martinovič, P Dráždilová, G Obadi, V Snášel
Handbook of Social Network Technologies and Applications, 115-146, 2010
Analysis and Visualization of Relations in eLearning
P Dráždilová, G Obadi, K Slaninová, J Martinovič, V Snášel
Computational Social Network Analysis, 291-318, 2010
From Moodle Log File to the Students Network
K Slaninová, J Martinovič, P Dráždilová, V Snašel
International Joint Conference SOCO’13-CISIS’13-ICEUTE’13, 641-650, 2014
Local Community Detection and Visualization: Experiment Based on Student Data
M Kudělka, P Dráždilová, E Ochodková, K Slaninová, Z Horák
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Intelligent Human …, 2013
Web site community analysis based on suffix tree and clustering algorithm
K Slaninová, J Martinovič, T Novosad, P Dráždilová, L Vojáček, V Snášel
Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT), 2011 IEEE/WIC …, 2011
Extraction of Agent Groups with Similar Behaviour Based on Agent Profiles
K Slaninová, J Martinovič, R Šperka, P Dráždilová
Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management, 348-357, 2013
Effective clustering algorithm for high-dimensional sparse data based on SOM
J Martinovič, K Slaninová, L Vojáček, P Dráždilová, J Dvorský, I Vondrák
Neural Network World 23 (2), 131, 2013
Author cooperation based on terms of article titles from dblp
Š Minks, J Martinovič, P Dráždilová, K Slaninová
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Intelligent Human …, 2013
Improving strategy in robot soccer game by sequence extraction
V Svatoň, J Martinovič, K Slaninová, T Bureš
Procedia Computer Science 35, 1445-1454, 2014
Improving rule selection from robot soccer strategy with substrategies
V Svatoň, J Martinovič, K Slaninová, V Snášel
Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management: 13th IFIP TC8 …, 2014
Spectral clustering: Left-right-oscillate algorithm for detecting communities
P Dráždilová, J Martinovič, K Slaninová
New Trends in Databases and Information Systems, 285-294, 2013
Left-right oscillate algorithm for community detection used in e-learning system
J Martinovič, P Dráždilová, K Slaninová, T Kocyan, V Snášel
Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management: 11th IFIP TC 8 …, 2012
Method for identification of suitable persons in collaborators’ networks
P Dráždilová, A Babskova, J Martinovič, K Slaninová, Š Minks
Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management: 11th IFIP TC 8 …, 2012
Building synthetic social network using association rules and clustering methods: case study on global terrorism database
J Górecki, K Slaninová
Acta academica karviniensia. URL: http://www. slu. cz/opf/cz/informace/acta …, 2017
Parallel hybrid SOM learning on high dimensional sparse data
L Vojáček, J Martinovič, J Dvorský, K Slaninová, I Vondrák
Computer Information Systems–Analysis and Technologies: 10th International …, 2011
E-assessment of individual and group learning processes
V Snášel, A Abraham, J Martinovič, P Dráždilová, K Slaninová, ...
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 9 (2), 286-303, 2012
Customer Behavior in Trading Processes: A Simulation Based Approach
D Vymětal, R Šperka, K Slaninová
International Journal of Applied Mathematics, Computational Science and …, 2020
An Impact of the User and Time Parameters to Sequence Alignment Methods for Process Mining
J Štolfa, S Štolfa, K Slaninová, J Martinovič, V Snášel
Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management: 13th IFIP TC8 …, 2014
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Articles 1–20