Gregory Verdugo
Gregory Verdugo
CY Cergy Paris Université
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Public housing and residential segregation of immigrants in France, 1968-1999
G Verdugo
Population (english edition) 66 (1), 169-193, 2011
The impact of immigration on the French labor market: Why so different?
J Ortega, G Verdugo
Labour Economics 29, 14-27, 2014
The great compression of the French wage structure, 1969–2008
G Verdugo
Labour Economics 28, 131-144, 2014
Real wage cyclicality in the Eurozone before and during the Great Recession: Evidence from micro data
G Verdugo
European Economic Review 82, 46-69, 2016
Public housing magnets: public housing supply and immigrants’ location choices
G Verdugo
Journal of Economic Geography 16 (1), 237-265, 2016
Forty years of immigrant segregation in France, 1968–2007. How different is the new immigration?
JL Pan Ké Shon, G Verdugo
Urban Studies 52 (5), 823-840, 2015
Who stays and who leaves? Immigration and the selection of natives across locations
J Ortega, G Verdugo
Journal of Economic Geography 22 (2), 221-260, 2022
Euro area labour markets and the crisis
R Anderton, M Izquierdo, T Aranki, B Bonthuis, KB Budnik, RG Salvador, ...
Labour force participation and job polarization: Evidence from Europe during the Great Recession
G Verdugo, G Allègre
Labour Economics 66, 101881, 2020
Can public housing decrease segregation? Lessons and challenges from non-European immigration in France
G Verdugo, S Toma
Demography 55 (5), 1803-1828, 2018
Les nouvelles inégalités du travail. Pourquoi l’emploi se polarise
G Verdugo
Ségrégation et incorporation des immigrés en France: Ampleur et intensité entre 1968 et 2007
JL Pan Ké Shon, G Verdugo
Revue française de sociologie, 245-283, 2014
Évolution des inégalités salariales en France
G Verdugo
Revue économique, XXXIII-LXV, 2013
Les effets des hausses du Smic sur le salaire moyen
G Cette, V Chouard, G Verdugo
Economie et statistique, 2012
Assimilation in multilingual cities
J Ortega, G Verdugo
Journal of Population Economics 28, 785-815, 2015
Spatial wage inequality in North America and Western Europe: changes between and within local labour markets 1975-2019
L Bauluz, P Bukowski, M Fransham, AS Lee, M López Forero, F Novokmet, ...
London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic …, 2023
Income inequality and segregation in the Paris Metro Area (1990–2015)
H McAvay, G Verdugo
Urban socio-economic segregation and income inequality: A global perspective …, 2021
La stratégie de l’Union européenne pour promouvoir l’égalité professionnelle est-elle efficace?
H Périvier, G Verdugo
Revue de l’OFCE, 77-101, 2018
Cinq ans après la réforme du congé parental (PreParE), les objectifs sont-ils atteints?
H Périvier, G Verdugo
OFCE Policy Brief, 1-16, 2021
Les salaires réels ont‑ils été affectés par les évolutions du chômage en France avant et pendant la crise?
G VerduGo
Bulletin de la Banque de France• N 192 (2e), 2013
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Articles 1–20